cancer rates

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Results 1 - 10 from 189 for cancer rates in 0.418 sec.

COPA - PCBs and Superfund in Bloomington, Indiana
Cancer and PCBs PCBs have been shown to cause cancer in animals, this is ... for the risk of cancer due to exposure to PCBs for humans. Liver cancer is often associated in the literature with PCB exposure, and The Indiana Dept of Public Health did a study of Westinghouse workers which found a statistically signifigant rise in brain cancer rates ...

For example, Queensland, Australia, which has high natural rates of uv radiation and a population largely of Northern European descent, has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Skin cancer rates in the United States are about twice those of northern Europe. Skin cancer is now the fastest growing type of cancer among men, ...

Earth's system. The atmosphere is losing ozone, and in the biosphere, skin cancer rates are up! One person in the United States dies each hour from these diseases, and ... More from this site

John and Nancy Jack Todd - The Restoration Of Waters
As in many places, the water quality in our town was rapidly eroding. Cancer rates were going through the roof, and here we were raising kids. So we went out ...

Book Review: "Environmental Cancer: A Political Disease?"
Is industry causing cancer rates to increase? Sixty-four percent of the activists said yes, but less than a third of the experts. (Actually, cancer rates adjusted for age stopped rising in 1990.) And the media? An amazing 85% of reporters surveyed believed we face "a cancer epidemic" -- a much higher ...

No asbestos-linked cancer increase found near plants
Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, state health departments nationwide have been looking at cancer rates near facilities that processed asbestos-contaminated vermiculite. Salt Lake had two of them: Vermiculite ... but because mesothelioma was not increased, we don’t feel these facilities contributed to lung cancer rates in the area,” he said. The report, available online at ...

Ozone Depletion | Ozone Hole | Skin Cancer
Ozone Layer Ozone Depletion CFCs Other ODCs Antarctica Arctic Natural Influences Monitoring Impacts Skin Cancer Eye Disorders Immunological Effects Aquatic Life Land Vegetation Other Effects Management Montreal Protocol Reversing ... , has very high skin cancer rates. An estimated 2 out of every 3 people in most parts of the country will develop some form of skin cancer. In Queensland, where UV- ...

Our Stolen Future: Excerpts from Chapter 11, Beyond Cancer
Cancer Cancer holds a special dread in our culture. If Rachel Carson helped publicize suspected links between rising cancer rates and increasing use of synthetic pesticides, other forces added momentum to the emerging cancer paradigm. In June 1969, the National Cancer Institute ...

Our Stolen Future: The epidemiology of breast cancer
Breast cancer incidence rates are increasing in many countries, although mortality rates are stable or slightly declining in some. Countries vary significantly. Rates ...

Minn. Unions, Lawmakers Angered by Delay of Cancer Data
Minnesota Cancer Surveillance System. Delay Was ``Unconscionable'' State legislators and labor unions ... blasted the department for delaying the release of previous miner cancer data. MDH in 2003 first completed a study on the ... also said that there has been no increase in mesothelioma rates among women who live in that region of the state, ...

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