calcium concentration

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Results 1 - 10 from 83 for calcium concentration in 0.314 sec.

Minerals, Coronary Heart Disease and Sudden Coronary Death
It is essential for the activation of many enzymes and its plasma concentration in relation to that of calcium affects nerve transmission and muscular contraction. Magnesium participates in many of the ... in Finland than in any other country [71]. The calcium to magnesium ratio in milk is about 12:1 [71]. The high calcium concentration in the average Finnish diet is likely to inhibit ...

Water Hardness and Cardiovascular Mortality
Its concentration has been found to vary little between hard and soft waters (68), but its supposed interrelation with calcium may make ... New Guinea villages along the Wogupmeri River to calcium concentration (see FIGURE 5). As calcium in the river water (which is drunk directly ... agent of such a protective effect than calcium or any of the 15 elements whose concentration we have surveyed in waters ... More from this site

Eden Again, Marshland Information - Bibliography, Water Quality & Pollution
Israel. Aquatic Botany, 2: p. 203-213. 5. Ahmed, H. 1981. Hydration and calcium concentration as a function of season in the Crab, Sesarma boulengeri, Calman Comp. Physio. ... 1988. Serum, Copper, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium & Potassium following acute myocardial infraction. Angiology, 39(5). 9. Ahmed, H. 1989. Neuroendocrine controle of water content and calcium concentration in the Crab, Sesarma ...

Glossary of Terms - Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Acidification - Continuing loss of capacity to neutralise acid inputs indicated by declining alkalinity and increasing hydrogen ion concentration ( ... concentration of oxygen in a liquid, such as water or wastewater, usually expressed in mg/l or per cent saturation. Dolomitisation - The process by which an original calcium ...

Coral Reefs
As human activities such as farming, driving cars, and cutting forests increase, so does the concentration of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere. This could result in changes in precipitation ... Celsius or greater for extended periods of time, coral lose their algae. The corals' white calcium carbonate skeleton is exposed. They appear bleached. Without the energy-providing benefits of the ...

The Green Lane: Acid rain
Acid rain also depletes supplies of important nutrients (e.g. calcium and magnesium) from soils. The loss of these nutrients is known to reduce the health ... exposure to acid rain causes forest soils to lose valuable nutrients. It also increases the concentration of aluminum in the soil, which interferes with the uptake of nutrients by the trees ...

Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
Mine drainage can also contain high concentration of metal ions. acid rain - Rainfall with a pH of less than 7.0. One ... . Fens are less acidic than bogs, deriving most of their water from groundwater rich in calcium and magnesium. flood - The temporary inundation of normally dry land areas resulting from the overflowing ... More from this site

Terms Beginning With "I"
H to a level where the metals will precipitate ... nitrogen dioxide, and nitric acid. Isoconcentration: More than one sample point exhibiting the same isolate concentration. Isopleth: The line or area represented by an isoconcentration. Isotope: A variation of an ...

Publications/Reports - Metals and the Environment at CANMET-MMSL
W.J.; Green, Andrew. 2002. The inverse relationship between bioconcentration factor and exposure concentration for metals: implications for hazard assessment of metals in the aquatic environment. ... L.; McGeer, J.C.; McDonald, D.G.; Wood, C.M. 2000. Protective effects of calcium against chronic waterborne cadmium exposure in juvenile rainbow trout. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: ...

Household Air Pollution
However, it is not necessarily true that the effects noted occur at the pollutant concentration levels typically found in the home. In many cases, our understanding of the pollutants and ... , change clothes and use doormats before entering your home. Eat a balanced diet, rich in calcium and iron. Produced by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Consumer ...

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