Results 1 - 6 from 6 for calcareous tubes in 0.191 sec.
Exotics Guide
Serpulidae Ficopomatus enigmaticus builds and lives in white, calcareous tubes that are about 2 mm in diameter and a couple of centimeters long. The tubes are somewhat flared at their open ends, and ... quality (Eno et al. 1997). Similar Species Several other worms on the Pacific Coast build calcareous tubes. Ficopomatus enigmaticus can be distinguished from these by the flanges on its tube and the ...
Eco-Pros Coral Communities
Stony corals are the main builders of reefs, as their hard calcareous skeletons are self-produced. Coral structures are formed from live coral animals called polyps, which ... skeletons are continually created, from dead and living coral polyps, the limestone may form into tubes, domes, branches, fan shapes, or any variety of structures. As more coral animals develop and ...
Green Algae
Halimeda segments. Halimeda opuntia This calcareous green to whitish seaweed is found in the quiet water of inner reef flats, or ... covers the other seaweeds. Valonia aegagropila V. aegagropila is composed of many elongated grass green tubes that usually have only their ends visible. This seaweed forms hemispherical cushions from ~ to 8 ...
Thylacoleo - The Story of the Naracoorte Caves: Section Two
Pliocene and Pleistocene beach and dune deposits comprised of bioclastic calcarenite and calcareous sands with prominent dune bedding. The top of limestone cave ridge is up to 20 ... caves well above the general land surface of the plateau. However, on the ranges, solution tubes gradually penetrated down through the dune sands and into the limestone, in places forming pitfall ...
Nature Terms. A brief glossary of Nature and Natural History terminology
H, often fed by groundwater seeps or springs, and occurring on calcareous substrates.Floodplain The flat area adjacent to a stream or river, where floodwaters may accumulate ... of a plant that conducts fluids from the leaves to the roots, composed of small tubes,Photosynthesis The process whereby plants convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into useful energy.Phylum ...
USS Saginaw Site Survey 2006
Atoll. Some of the brass and iron artifacts have become solidly embedded in the calcareous algae of the substrate. Distribution of artifacts attest to the bow breaking off at ... steam oscillating engine cylinder, port and starboard paddlewheel shafts, anchors, brass steam machinery, boiler tubes, boiler face, rigging components, fasteners, rudder hardware, davits, sounding lead, and other material. ...