Results 1 - 10 from 57 for burrow system in 0.300 sec.
Managing Wildlife Damage: Moles
The star-nosed mole prefers habitats with damp ( ... predators. Hairy-tailed moles have been observed using the same burrow system continuously for up to 8 years, but this is not common ... ), it is imperative that these materials are placed into the burrow system below ground as a means to reduce nontarget exposure. One ...
Hinterland Who's Who - Woodchuck
Winter burrows, whether separate or part of a woodchuck familys main burrow system ... milk to solid foods, when they start to emerge from the burrow at five to six weeks of age. Woodchucks grow rapidly. They ... car of one of these dumpy mammals standing by its roadside burrow can be a much-needed reminder of how satisfying it is ...
Mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa) control and management
When an animal leaves a system or dies, the system is often quickly reoccupied by another mountain beaver. Fig. 5. Cross section of part of a mountain beaver burrow system including food cache, nest ... . Portions of a burrow may not be used daily, but active burrows in a burrow system are usually used at least weekly. The habit of stacking cut vegetation at burrow openings has been considered ...
Belding's California and Rock Ground Squirrels management and control
The burrow systems are occupied year after year and are extended in length and complexity each year. Each system has numerous ... in their habits. A number of squirrels occupy the same burrow system. The Belding ground squirrel is somewhat less colonial and its ... nest chamber in the burrow system. The young are born hairless with their eyes closed. They are nursed in the burrow until about 6 ...
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Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
CAPTIVE HUSBANDRY Spinifex Hopping-mice are relatively easy to obtain and can be kept indoors ...
Prairie Dog Coalition - White Tailed Prairie Dog
Predators such as badgers, coyotes, bobcats, long-tailed weasels, red foxes, ferrets, golden eagles, ... , and this leads to wide population fluctuations. A burrow system provides several opportunities for escape from predators with a few entrances to each system of interconnected burrows. These burrows, unlike those ...
Prairie Dog Coalition - Mexican Prairie Dog
Mexican prairie dogs appear to live in a coterie and ward system that mimics their closest relatives (black-tailed prairie dogs). Kissing and sniffing between social members ... , but elimination from poisoning and shooting has made large colonies rare or non-existent. The burrow system is similar to that of black-tails. Mexicans also scan for predators and give alarm ...
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Coping with Gophers without Using Pesticides
Fortunately, there are effective ... if you need to deal with a problem gopher. The gopher's burrow system can cover hundreds, even thousands of square feet.2 Gophers can ... in your garden are caused by a single animal. A gopher burrow consists of a main tunnel, usually between 4 and 18 inches below ...
Controlling Voles (Meadow Mice)
These runways are usually hidden beneath a protective layer of grass or other ground cover. There are multiple burrow ... repellents have not been proven effective against voles.3 Nor are burrow fumigants effective due to the shallow burrow system with numerous open holes. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic devices are also ...
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Prairie Dogs @
The typical coterie territory contains about 70 burrow entrances. As many as 26 prairie dogs sometimes live ... birth, mothers do not allow entry into the nursery burrow. Male prairie dogs, which are about 15 percent ... burrow entrances and look for danger. A prairie dog that sees a predator commonly warns the others with a loud alarm call. Because the prairie dog defense system ...
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