bsc msci

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The UK Groundwater Forum
The non-MSc Route Currently, there are no hydrogeology BSc degree courses offered within the UK. Some geology, environmental science, and engineering degrees do ... some English universities (most Scottish BSc courses have always been four years long). These are called by various names, but two of the more popular are MSci and MGeol; though called masters ...

The UK Groundwater Forum
The non-MSc Route Currently, there are no hydrogeology BSc degree courses offered within the UK. Some geology, environmental science, and engineering degrees do ... some English universities (most Scottish BSc courses have always been four years long). These are called by various names, but two of the more popular are MSci and MGeol; though called masters ... More from this site

Undergraduate Courses
BA / MSci Natural Sciences Tripos – most of the sciences are taught within this multi- ... ruskin/en/home/faculties/fst/departments/lifesciences/courses_2007/undergraduate_courses.html BSc Animal Behaviour / BSc Animal Welfare / BSc Ecology and Conservation / BSc Wildlife Biology / BSc Zoology – these courses can be combined to ...

Complete Undergraduate Degree List - Undergraduate - Newcastle University
BSc Honours (C7C5) Biological Sciences (Deferred Choice) BSc Honours (C101) Biology BSc Honours (C100) Biology and Chemistry BSc Honours (CF11) Biology and Psychology BSc Honours (CC18) Biomedical Sciences BSc Honours (B940) Biomedical Sciences (Integrated Master's) MSci ...

Environmental Data Services
BSc Environmental Science (F900) / with a Professional Placement Abroad (F850) BSc Environmental Management (F851) BSc / MSci Environmental Geoscience (F630) / with an International Year (F632) BSc / MSci Geology (F600) / with an International Year (F601) BSc / MSci ...