brownish gray

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Results 1 - 10 from 75 for brownish gray in 0.391 sec.

The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Benthic Sharks
It reaches a length of about 6' feet and is a coppery-bronze to brownish gray in coloration, paler below. Common off the California coast. Range extends from British Columbia to ...

Exotics Guide
In the bay the commonest color is yellow, or yellow on the lowest whorl and gray or brown on the upper ones, sometimes with brown or white spots or spiral brown ... . Cohen A white specimen of Littorina saxatilis from San Francisco Bay. Andrew N. Cohen A brownish gray specimen of Littorina saxatilis from San Francisco Bay. Andrew N. Cohen A white-spotted black ...

Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus
The pattern of dark blotches is ... others may have nearly black markings. The belly is uniformly ashy gray. There are 29 dorsal scale rows at midbody and the scales ... or orange with 4 dark stripes, or they are white to gray with dark gray blotches. They also lack the enlarged triangular scale on the ...

Hispid Pocket Mice in Kansas
Their bristly fur is brownish gray on top and white below with a broad yellow-orange band in between. Females produce ... . Other Kansas Rodents AMERICAN BEAVER ORD'S KANGAROO RAT 13-LINED GROUND SQUIRREL WOODCHUCK EASTERN GRAY SQUIRREL SOUTHERN FLYING SQUIRREL PRAIRIE VOLE EASTERN FOX SQUIRREL BLACK-TAILED PRAIRIE DOG DEER MOUSE ...

Woodchucks (Marmota monax) Their biology and management of damage
It is closely related to other species of North American marmots. It is usually grizzled brownish gray, but white (albino) and black (melanistic) individuals can occasionally be found. The woodchuck's compact ...

Eastern cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus, damage management and control information
Cottontails appear gray or brownish gray in the field. Closer examination reveals a grizzled blend of white, gray, brown, and black guard hairs over a soft grayish or brownish underfur, with a characteristic ... More from this site

Walrus - Arctic Mammal - The Walrus
June. The babies, called calves, weigh anywhere from 90 to 130 pounds and are deep brownish gray when they are born. Another strange fact about a walrus is that you can tell ...

Blue-winged teal Facts, Figures, Description and Photo
Most of the upper wing coverts are blue-gray, the secondaries form an iridescent green speculum, and the underwing is whitish ... in flight and when on water. Female blue-winged teal have a brownish-gray head with a darker crown and eye-stripe. The breast and sides ... are bluish, but less vibrant than the drake. The bill is gray-black and the legs and feet are dull yellow-brown. The ...

Managing Wildlife Damage: Moles
The snout of the star-nosed ...

Avicennia officinalis
Numerous upright pneumatophores rise above soil from long shallow, horizontal roots. Bark brownish-gray, thin, becoming rough and blackish, or outer bark yellowish-green and inner bark whitish. ... , leathery, edges slightly rolled under, upper surfaces shiny green and hairless, underneath with fine gray-green hairs and resin dots. Cymes headlike in panicles, upright near ends of twigs, ...

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