Results 1 - 10 from 485 for breeding numbers in 0.304 sec.
Peregrine biology - conservation issues
Peregrine nesting sites. Both found that there had been a catastrophic decline in breeding numbers. In the eastern United States, where there had been over 300 nests as recently as ... Fauna and Flora (CITES). Many tangible projects have been undertaken to help the Peregrine. Captive breeding and subsequent releases have proven to be instrumental to the recolonization of eastern North ...
Rare Breeds Trust of Australia: Sheep
RBTA, the group that have been recommended for critical status either exist in exceedingly low breeding numbers or have been known in the sheep community in the last decade but have ... The Dorset Down and Shropshire are inclusions in the critical category because of their limited breeding numbers. With the present preoccupation of the wool industry with pigmented contamination of the national wool ...
Islands Seabird Monitoring Programme in 1989 to monitor the impact of Falkland fisheries on the breeding seabirds in the Islands. Trends in seabird populations and their feeding ecology have been ... long term monitoring of adult survival in study groups of individual birds, annual monitoring of breeding numbers, diet sampling and monitoring of chick growth rates. The Programme is funded by the ...
NMPIF Grassland 3
N = 15, RA = 2.20 (Sauer et al. 1997) Once breeding numbers and locations have been ascertained, maintain existing numbers in all locations maintain seasonal wet meadows, especially in high ... streams Research and monitoring needs: 1. Monitor numbers and breeding of Wilson's Phalarope in appropriate years. Survey for additional breeding areas during appropriate years, especially in the north- ...
Best Year Ever for Falklands Penguins!
During January, researchers return to count the numbers of chicks, late on in the breeding ... numbers was also mirrored in an increase in breeding success from 0.62 chicks per breeding pair in 2003-4 to 1.33 chicks per breeding ...
Pied flycatcher: climate change and breeding behaviour - Environmental Data Compendium
Trends in numbers The disruption of breeding behaviour could have caused this species to decline, but since 1990 the numbers of pied flycatcher in the Netherlands have remained ... Network's nest-mapping project and the national network for monitoring breeding birds. The index numbers refer to the number of breeding pairs. References Boele, A., A.J. van Dijk, F. Hustings en ...
The HCT - captive breeding and re-introductions
Captive Breeding and Release Why Captive Breeding? In the ideal world there would be ample habitat for animals to spread naturally ... these alternative means is captive breeding. Adequate numbers of animals can be produced to start new populations without imposing significant pressures on existing populations. Successful breeding programmes have been carried ...
Farm Profile, Winter Hill Farm. Breeding Herd, Dairy.
Farm Profile, Winter Hill Farm. Breeding Herd, Dairy. Farm Profile: Jim Stampone and Kate Le Royer Winter Hill Farm Freeport, Maine ... last century. In 1987 there were fewer than 20 animals in existence and, although the numbers have increased, they are still extremely endangered, with only about 200 Randalls in existence today ...
De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Trust, North West Province, South Africa
Unique management techniques developed over the years have resulted in the birth of over 750 cheetah cubs and more than 500 wild dogs, as well as numbers ... Cheetah and Wildlife Centre is a Cites (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) approved breeding centre and collaborates with the University of Pretoria's Veterinary Faculty, the Mammal Research ...
Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
Breeding Females become sexually active at around one year of age ... range of habitats from woodland to farmland. They have increasing numbers in the metropolitan area of Adelaide and some other towns ... disturb native animals once they are using the box as some breeding animals may abandon their young. ยท Brushtail possums are wild ...
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