breeding behavior

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Results 1 - 10 from 272 for breeding behavior in 0.222 sec.

The Twins Nature Reserve
The adult usually attacks the immature and chases it far away. The breeding behavior of these most unusual birds of prey deserves much closer attention. There were at least two, possibly three, pairs of Johnny Rooks breeding on each Island. Mammals ...

USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Staff Profile
American Ornithologists’ Union Active Projects: Implementation of Strategic Plan for managing and upgrading the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS); management and delivery of databases (BBS, Colonial Waterbirds, National Avian Point ... . Pp. 379-421 in J. Burger and B. L. Olla, eds., Behavior of marine animals, vol. 5, shorebirds: breeding behavior and populations. Plenum Publ. Corp., N.Y. 437 pp. Howe, M. ...

The Delta News
Radio-marking pre-breeding females may also adversely impact breeding behavior and current methods used to capture hens prior to radio-attachment likely exclude a large component of non-breeding ...

Crystal Darter - WDNR
Breeding behavior is unknown. Management Considerations: This species is not easily detected using standard fish survey methods ...

Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui, Hawaii
(Graf & Nichols 1966). Males are fertile year-round. Breeding, fawning, as well as the shedding and regrowth of antlers occur throughout the year. ... deer had shifted downslope to the vicinity of the Ukelele Camp area of Haleakala Ranch. BEHAVIOR PATTERNS EXHIBITED BY MAUI DEER Because of difficulty finding visible deer elsewhere, behavioral observations for ...

Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of Jackson's chameleons of Maui, Hawaii
(Chamaeleo jacksonii): natural history, captive management, and breeding. Pg. 33-60 in P. de Vosjoli & G. Ferguson (eds.), Care and Breeding of Panther, Jackson's, Veiled and Parson's ... More from this site

The Eared Trogon [Euptilotis neoxenus] in Arizona: Behavior, Ecology, and Management of the "Northern Quetzal"
Preserve staff also received reports of birder behavior, including shouting, running ... of data on the birds' behavior at the nest, including their response to human presence and behavior. The male was the ... concern for the future of the Eared Trogon as a breeding species in Arizona (Zimmerman 1978). Given their observed sensitivity ...

Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Breeding Grounds - West Indies
Membership Make a donation Volunteer Introduction | Breeding Ground | YoNAH | Research Techniques | Photo-ID Guides 2008 Sightings | 2007 Sightings | 2006 ... have ever been observed, secondary evidence suggests that activities related to breeding dominate the behavior of humpback whales on their wintering grounds. PCCS began studying humpback ...

Breeding Basics
Preparing The Cage For Breeding Because short-tailed opossums are solitary, the breeding pair is housed ... breeding. They are usually first placed together during daytime when aggression is least likely. Watch carefully for excessive fighting though some chasing, noises and threatening behavior is normal. The threatening behavior ...

Mooseworld, Moose Behavior
Mooseworld, Moose Behavior Behavior Excerpted with permission from Moose Country: Saga of the Woodland Moose. Copyright ©1991 by Michael ... on its own... Most of the year, moose are relatively silent animals. However, during the breeding season, the rut, their silence is broken. Moose courtship is elaborate, consisting not only of ...

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