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New Age Quiz
Astrological term 26. Brain Entrainment is most closely associated with...? ___ meditation ___ transportation ___ tantra ___ loss 27. Which ... flowers at all ___ Johann Sebastian Bach's personal remedies for hay fever 37. "Right brain" people most likely....? ___ love poetry and art ___ enjoy math and science ___ are ...
Asheville Magazine Editorial
It was called "brain washing." It worked. Today, hypnotic and brain entrainment methods are being used subliminally and successfully in TV commercials and magazine advertising. A few years back, virtually every auto manufacturer in the world began using New Age brain entrainment ...
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Habitat Loss
Different species of coral build structures of various sizes and shapes ("brain corals," "fan corals," etc.), creating amazing diversity and complexity in the coral reef ecosystem. ... Journal of Marine Science 49:5-11. Black, K.P. and G.D. Parry. 1999. Entrainment, dispersal, and settlement of scallop dredge sediment plumes: field measurements and numerical modelling. Canadian ...