Results 1 - 4 from 4 for bos grunniens in 0.138 sec.
EDGE :: Species Search
(Mysateles garridoi)Gaskell's false serotine (Hesperoptenus gaskelli)Gaur (Indian bison) (Bos frontalis)Georgetown salamander (Eurycea naufragia)Georgia blind salamander (Eurycea wallacei)Ghana river ... or Melodius coqui (Eleutherodactylus wightmanae)Wiens water frog (Telmatobius necopinus)Wild Yak (Bos grunniens)Williams' bright-eyed frog (Boophis williamsi)Wolverine (Gulo gulo)Wood sprite gracile ...
Linnaeus (1766) as Bos grunniens, the same genus as other domestic cattle. However, in the middle of the nineteenth century the yak was listed as Poephagus grunniens (Gray, 1843) on the grounds of morphological distinctions from both other cattle and from bison. There was a return to Bos grunniens following Lydekker (1898), and this ...
Yak Yak Bos grunniens Endangered Throughout history, the domesticated yak of central Asia has provided Tibetan herders with wool, ...
San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Wild Cattle
Bubalus depressicornis, mountain anoa, Asian water buffalo, banteng Bos javanicus, gaur Bos gaurus, and wisent or European bison Bison bonasus are endangered. Fun facts  ... Asian water buffalo Bubalus bubalis, African or Cape buffalo Syncerus sp., bantengs Bos javanicus, gaurs Bos gaurus, yaks Bos grunniens, bison Bison sp., and all domestic cattle. Both male and female ...