Results 1 - 7 from 7 for bole bark in 0.343 sec.
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
Chinese in Java make a sweetmeat therefrom. Dutch Indians use the bark to flavor raw fish. The leaves and peeled hypocotyls are eaten ... bark 13.1 and 14.8, bole bark (small trees) 16.3 and 31.7, while the bole bark of large trees contains 12.5% H2O, 42.3% tannin. Bark ... of India (C.S.I.R., 1948–1976). Toxicity Eating too much (bark) is dangerous (Burkill, 1966). Description Evergreen tree 8–25(-35) m ...
Ceriops tagal
Filipinos used the bark to cure diabetes during the Japanese occupation (Perry, 1980). Chemistry Bark contains 23–40% tannin. Leaves contain 15.45%, twig bark 25.89%, and bole bark 41.22% tannin (C.S.I.R., 1948–1976). Twig bark may contain up to ...
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RCF: Calophyllum spp.
Agroforestry This is an important commercial timber species for the domestic market. As with most timber species, it needs some shading to avoid early branching and obtain a long bole ...
Ecology Hall of Fame: John Muir
It has been said that trees are imperfect men, and seem ...
Chardin: Travels in Persia Seventeen
The Tanners dress coarse Hides, and dress them with Lime. They use no Bark, but use Salt and Galls instead of it; and that's enough in their Country ... when they are Green, and full of Sap. Their Dying and Painting Colours are the Bole, or red Earth, the Rounat, or Oppoponax, which are two common Ingredients in Persia; the ...
Be Woods Wise - Woodlands Glossary
Usually consists of stems, branches, bark, etc., that cannot be marketed in any other way. Chipped ... from the harvest area to the yard or landing. slash - bark, branches, uprooted stumps and other woody material left on a ... as water quality, aquatic and other wildlife habitat. stem - see bole. stumpage - the value of standing trees in a forest. stumpage ...
Be Woods Wise: Woodlands Glossary
Usually consists of stems, branches, bark, etc., that cannot be marketed in any other way. Chipped ... from the harvest area to the yard or landing. slash - bark, branches, uprooted stumps and other woody material left on a ... as water quality, aquatic and other wildlife habitat. stem - see bole. stumpage - the value of standing trees in a forest. stumpage ...
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