body uses

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Rocky Mountain Institute : RMI for Kids
Food is stored energy. When you eat it, your body uses it to do all kinds of work from running and jumping to thinking ... in cars or to provide light and heat in buildings. Like your body using the energy in food, we often use fuels to give us ... it is not an active, mechanical system that heats the inside, but instead uses the natural heat from the sun's rays to heat the building. Home ...

Eco-USA: Acetone
The body uses these chemicals to make glucose (sugar) and fats that make energy for normal body functions. The breakdown of sugar for energy makes carbon dioxide that leaves your body in the ... are normally present in the body from the breakdown of fat. The body uses acetone in normal processes that make sugar and fats that make energy for normal body functions. Many conditions can lead ...

Professor Quester Answers - General Energy
What is the scientific name for the energy in your body like where you get your strength? My teacher said that ... your body always be kinetic? THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! (Christen, Grade 9, Creek View High School, Dallas, Texas) The Professor Answers: Your body uses ... or oxidized inside our bodies during digestion - fueling our bodies. Your body actually doesn't shut down totally when you sleep of ...

It can disrupt the proper function of hormones -- chemical messengers that the body uses for growth, development and regulation. Dioxins, furans and phthalates are endocrine-disrupting chemicals. What harm ... meat, fish or dairy products, dioxins move up the food chain and into the human body. Because humans are at the top of the food chain, the dioxin content of human ...

Body Systems - The Human Heart: An Online Exploration from The Franklin Institute, made possible by Unisys
Search the entire site: Home Development Structure Vessels Blood Systems Monitoring Health History Body Systems Home » Body Systems Topics: Systemic Circulation Circulatory System Respiratory System Pulmonary Circulation Coronary Circulation ... it has to use a system. Actually, the human body uses many systems that work side by side. Some of the body's systems are directly connected to the heart, ...

Georgia-Pacific - Educational in Nature - Energy
The phone on the other end changes the electrical energy into sound energy. • A car uses stored chemical energy in gasoline to move. The engine changes the chemical energy into heat ... power the car. • The food you eat contains energy stored as chemical potential energy. Your body uses the stored energy to do work - kinetic energy. • If you overeat, the food's energy ...

Using and Storing Honey
Health and Honey Honey provides energy to the body. The amounts of nutrients in honey, however, are small when the number of calories in ... -restricted diet. Honey is composed of the same basic parts as regular sugar, and the body uses it in the same way. Honey and products made with honey must not be fed ...

Adventure Magazine: January/February 2001 @
VO2 max (the amount of oxygen his body uses with each breath) and a high anaerobic threshold, which lets him charge uphill, nonstop, much ...

Healthy lifestyle for kids, families, food pyramids ,nutrition, food facts, alternatives, whole fodds
There are many steps you can take ... body uses nutrients. Just like a car, your body needs fuel to work properly. The food you eat contains substances called nutrients that provide the energy (fuel) for your body ... to grow. There are 6 kinds of nutrients that provide your body with the energy to think, play and work properly. Proteins ...

Other Plant Uses - Plants For A Future
Database 7000 Plant Database Search Page US Database Download Plants Edible Uses Medicinal Uses Other Uses Top 20 Plants Gardening Woodland Gardening Vegan Organics Perennial Plants Habitat Links ... the growth of other plants. (86) Insecticide Kills insects. (141) Parasiticide Kills external body parasites such as hair lice. (60) Building Materials Insulation Providing insulation against ...

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