boardroom pay

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Results 1 - 7 from 7 for boardroom pay in 0.281 sec.

Refinery Reform Campaign
Shell stung by boardroom pay revolt The oil giant Royal Dutch/Shell received a slap across the wrists yesterday from shareholders rebelling over boardroom pay and the company's environmental record. Independent, UK 04/24/2003 Shell shareholders rebel on board pay Almost a quarter of Shell ...

Refinery Reform Campaign
By Michael Harrison 24 April 2003 Independent, UK The oil giant Royal Dutch/Shell received a slap across the wrists yesterday from shareholders rebelling over boardroom pay and ... oil companies. However, one small shareholder, John Farmer, drew applause when he described the pay awards as "inappropriate, outrageous and insensitive". Most anger was directed at Shell's ... More from this site

The Party's Over - Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies. Foreword by Colin Campbell, authority on peak oil
Speaking of the boardroom, we learn how relatively recent is the corporate world in ... in Spain flooded on reaching the water table such that there was no money to pay the mercenary troops to defend the realm. The Rhine froze in 410 AD, allowing Aleric ...

EWT Newsletter - September 2007
Leadership Training Programme (LTP), direct their fellow students to the EWT’s Boardroom for the first presentation of their overnight camp at the Johannesburg Zoo. The 9am ... effective platform for Clients, Service providers and Intermediateries to source, plan, book/order and pay for products and services online, thereby greatly reducing frustration, costs and time wasted using ' ...

There are signs in the Upper Rock Nature Reserve warning against feeding. The authorities pay lip service to the fact that feeding is illegal and urge people to refrain. But ... masking the fact that it is an unpleasant, unsavoury task. In the high-ceilinged, airy boardroom of the Ministry for the Environment, Mr Netto tries to conceal his emotions as he ...

The Party Is Over, an introduction by Dr. Colin Campbell
Speaking of the boardroom, we learn how relatively recent is the corporate world in ... in Spain flooded on reaching the water table such that there was no money to pay the mercenary troops to defend the realm. The Rhine froze in 410 AD, allowing Aleric ...

Freedom From Oil Campaigners Crash GM CEO’s Speech at San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club
GM's gas guzzlers are those on Wagoner's pay scale." "Rick Wagoner can wax poetic on GM's commitment to the environment, but his ... Van Horn of Rainforest Action Network. "Wagoner's double talk might play well in the boardroom, but Californians want real solutions to our addiction to oil." Increased fuel efficiency will save ...

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