bleaching process

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EP - bleaching process> ABOUT JOURNAL Home Editors Honorary Advisory Board Editorial Board Audience Abstracting / Indexing Scope Subjects Guide ... 2004 2005 2006 2007 Technical Note Online color control of Brazilian kaolin pulps on the bleaching process J.J. Varela1,*, R. Gliese1, C.A. Peixoto2 and C.O. Petter1 1 Laboratório ...

Cotton, of course, is not without its evils. Conventionally ...

EARTH-FRIENDLY PAPER: Recycled Paper, Tree-Free, Kenaf, Hemp, Chlorine-Free, Post-Consumer, Non-Toxic Inks
Furthermore, chlorine is generally used in the bleaching process, releasing the carcinogenic chemical dioxin and other toxins. Although only 5% of the world’s ... a variety of materials and recycling what we make, we can preserve our forests. The bleaching process used to make pure white and colored papers creates a toxic substance called dioxin that ...

"Who cares about bleaching?" question still others. "We're just concerned about creating markets for recovered paper." How do ... nothing to do with what fiber was originally used in the paper or with what bleaching process was used. If it contains tree-fibers, that is only because our present papermaking system ...

Offers environmental savings many times over, since fibers can be recycled repeatedly Needs less bleaching than virgin papers; reduces use of toxic chemicals Concentrates inks, chemicals and other ... chlorine-free papers. FACT: "Tree-free" is a fiber source. "Chlorine-free" is a bleaching process. Recycling is a system necessary for environmental sustainability. Whether paper is made from trees, ... More from this site

SBN Feature Article: June 1997
Novo enables paper producers to reduce (and ultimately eliminate) chlorine in the bleaching process. Enzymes require less energy to be effective than their chemical counterparts. In the case ... Asnaes power plant and using the condensate to replace fresh water in its fermentation process. The resulting waste sludge, composted primarily of organic material, is delivered to local farmers ...

If it was, Perdido Bay residents should ... per ton of trees processed and they don’t have the bleaching process and chemicals to contend with. However, IP plans to nearly double ... for three weeks in May while they were undergoing the conversion process. While IP was shut down we were going to take ...

Bleaching of kraft pulp
Oxygen (O 2) is an inexpensive, highly effective delignifying agent that is usually used at the beginning of the bleaching process ...

Environmental Impacts of Bleaching with Chlorine
Bleaching with Chlorine Environmental Impacts of Bleaching With Chlorine As soon as pulp is exposed to chlorine or chlorine dioxide during the bleaching process, the concentration of chloride ions in ... system and ultimately rivers and lakes. Pollution Prevention Strategies Low Effluent TCF Replace chlorine bleaching stages with oxygen based chemicals so that all of the effluent can be ... More from this site

CHAMP - Coral Bleaching - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) considers various physical factors and issues ‘bleaching alerts’ when coral bleaching appears likely. The CREWS software evaluates the intensity of solar radiation, wind ... us to prevent bleaching of corals, but through the use of the CREWS buoy data we can at least predict and learn more about this destructive process. References Birkeland C ...

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