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Agreements, Laws and Regulations
What's New? Ontario Resident Fined $40,000 for Unlawful Possession & Export of Black Bear Gall Bladders Toronto, Ontario, March 26, 2004 - A Toronto business owner was convicted and fined ... plead guilty to one charge of unlawfully possessing black bear gall bladders at his place of business in Toronto, and one charge of unlawfully exporting black bear gall bladders from Canada to the United States. ...
EJF: Wildlife Trade in Vietnam - a Crisis facing Bears
Vietnam's bile farms. The majority of the bears are Asiatic Black Bears; Sun Bears are also farmed for their bile in Vietnam. [More on bear ... gall bladders and paws. The extracted bear bile - EJF In the last few years bear bile has become commonplace on menus. Restaurants and cafes in major towns and cities serve bear ...
Asiatic Black Bear
Bear Foundation Privacy Policy Asiatic Black Bear | Brown Bear | North American Black Bear Panda Bear | Polar Bear | Sloth Bear Spectacled Bear | Sun Bear Asiatic Black Bear Selenarctos thibetanus The Asiatic black bear's scientific name means "moon bear ... (some governments encourage trapping of bears). Chinese use bear parts (meat, gall bladders and bones) for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). ... - How political pressure cancelled Ontario's spring black bear
hunt - James W Lawrence
They bombarded the public with radio, billboards and television advertising claiming the bears were endangered, they were being killed to extinction for their gall bladders, and hunting black ... the Alliance began a poster campaign claiming bear cubs were being orphaned because their mothers were being killed for their gall bladders. The campaign wasn't particularly successful. ...
WWF - Hengduan Shan Coniferous Forests - A Global Ecoregion
You Know! Despite laws protecting species like the snow leopard, tiger and black bear - pelts, penises and gall bladders are sold with impunity in local markets throughout this ecoregion. For ... ), spotted Linsang (Prionodon pardicolor), the vulnerable Clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), and the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus). Threats A growing human population and the resulting demand for ...
However, many bear farmers across the country ... prevent the bears being sold onto the black market for their gall bladders, meat and paws. More good news came from several members of the National People's Congress who visited our sanctuary this month, and offered serious help to end bear ...