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Ecological Direct Action: DeadTrees publishing - Page 3
Birth Without Violence - by Frederick Leboyer. The experience of birth has a profound and lasting effect on the whole of our lives. This beautiful work shows how barbaric the modern clinical birth process is ...
Dreamtime Revealed
Real People. They have to pulverise, emulsify, process, and preserve food. They eat more unnatural things than natural ... to comprehend that I was grateful when my thinking process fell into a veneer of peaceful unconsciousness. From the book " ... birth has a profound and lasting effect on the whole of our lives. This beautiful work shows how barbaric the modern clinical birth process ...
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New Frontier/ Healing Ourselves, Healing Our Planet
In the last few decades we've seen a tremendous technological take-over of the birth process. Instead of women ... So she feels helpless and disempowered. I believe that technologies in the birth process serve to take away what can be a spiritual experience. It ... , we need to take a look at how very important the birth process is in the evolution of this society. So, that's one ...
Kind Planet Animal Care Tips - Caring for a Pregnant Guinea Pig
C to prevent toxemia.The Birth Mothers rarely need any help unless they are older and this ... of the up coming birth is that the babies will be seen moving three weeks prior to their emergence. The birth process under normal circumstances ... baby should appear after 5 minutes of labor. The time between the birth of each of the babies is between 3 and 5 minutes. ...
Oh Baby! Manatee Mothers and Calves
The details of the birth process remain unclear but observations of calving in captive manatees ... birth and this is probably an important part of the mother-calf bonding process. The calf begins to nurse within a few hours after birth ... calves vocalize at or soon after birth -- an important part of the mother-calf bonding process. (Photo courtesy of Debra Willis) ...
Tiger cubs; their birth, raising and life.
Cubs - Page 1:Pregnancy | 2&3: Birth & Newborns | 4: Captive Breeding | 5: Hand Raising The birth process in tigers: Most births seem to occur at night, probably ... between each birth ranges from 10 to 20 minutes. Normally the birth process completes in under an hour, however captive cats have recorded labours of as long as 18 hours. Immediately after birth: As ...
Earth Process and the Wish for Human Exemption
Earth process. These two cultural psychologies, these two transcendent wishes, deeply ... is the opposite of conception and birth. Life is the realm which contains them both. Birth and death are the way life ... have been a singularly inappropriate way of relating to Earth process. An appropriate understanding of death and the abandonment of the siege ...
Tiger cubs; their birth, raising and life.
Pregnancy | 2&3: Birth & Newborns | 4: Captive Breeding | 5: Hand Raising Abandoned tiger cubs: When cubs are abandoned or in danger hand raising is the alternative. This process is complicated requiring much ... the cub can eat meat, or prepared felid foods, independent of assistance. The hand raising process differs with each individual circumstance. Zoos also vary in their practices and reasons for ...
Some participants recognized that they naturally registered green (greenness) as a sense or sensation at birth or before: For example "Like many other species, I was biologically born knowing green. It ...
We are applauded into dependency on them, and in the process lose conscious contact with our old brain preliterate world intelligence. This demonstration is one of ... . Society surrounds us with verbal thinking and communicating. It is encouraged from the moment of birth. We are "sentenced" to 18,000 hours in public school to become expert in this ...
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