biogenic carbon

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Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program - Electricity Factors
Under international greenhouse gas accounting methods developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, biogenic carbon is part of the natural carbon balance and it will not add to atmospheric concentrations of carbon ...

HBOI | Marine Science | Water Column Ecology
Whether the export or recycling of biogenic carbon from the particle-laden appendicularian houses is slow or rapid depends on several factors ... activity on appendicularian (Tunicata: Appendicularia) houses in mesopelagic regions and their potential contribution to carbon flux. Deep-Sea Research 37:285-294. Youngbluth, M.J., T.G. Bailey, ...

Ulrike Fallet
Together this allows for coupling of biogenic carbonate and organic carbon productivity with sedimentary transport and preservation on the channel floor for seasonal deconvolution of ...

Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis
Carbonaceous aerosols (organic and black carbon) Primary biogenic aerosols Sulphates Nitrates 5.2 ... sulphate models (COSAM) The IPCC model comparison workshop: sulphate, organic carbon, black carbon, dust, and sea salt Comparison of modelled and observed aerosol concentrations ...

Water: The Hub of Life
Given the ubiquity of carbon-containing organic molecules in the universe, we expect Carbon and water to play a role in life anywhere. # Finally, a ... basalt, for example, releases energy that organisms can use. The abundance and availability of the biogenic elements at the martian surface completes the requirements for life. Given the presence of water ...

FMI - Research - Climate Change - Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse gases; concentrations, micrometeorological flux measurements Projects and research programmes CARBOEUROPE Carbon balance of Europe, European Commission DG Research 6th Framework Programme, 2004-... ... scenarios for Finland, Finnish Global Change Research Programme (FIGARE)1999-2002 BIPHOREP Biogenic VOC Emissions and Photochemistry in the Boreal Regions of Europe, European ...

Energy and You | Clean Energy | US EPA
The map below shows state-specific emission rates for carbon dioxide, an important greenhouse gas associated with global climate change. (Source: U.S. EPA ... wind. Total of conventional hydroelectric power and hydroelectric power from pumped storage facilities. Non-biogenic municipal solid waste, batteries, chemicals, hydrogen, pitch, purchased steam, sulfur, tire-derived fuels ...

Green Power Defined | Green Power Partnership | US EPA
Biogenic emissions, in contrast, result from natural biological processes, such as the decomposition or combustion of vegetative matter. Biogenic emissions are part of a closed carbon loop. Biogenic CO2 emissions are balanced by the natural uptake of CO2 by growing vegetation, resulting in a net zero contribution of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Examples of biogenic ... More from this site

BodŽn Diatom Research, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
Per BodŽn and his coworker Jan Backman from Stockholm University also ... that of this particular layer, there was also 5% calcium carbonate and 0.5% organic carbon. In the carbonate component there were many foraminiferas and calcareous nannofossils. The other 50% of ...

NCAR Earth System Research: The Ingredients of a Whole Earth System
Snow and ice. Regions ... Carbon and Hydrologic cycles, including Organics & Nitrogen (BEACHON) program Part of the BEACHCON program lead by Dr. Elizabeth Holland, this figure depicts a schematic of biogenic aerosol regulation and linkage of the carbon ...

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