berries and greens

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They enjoy small fish, crayfish, frogs, insects, fruits, berries and greens. They often raid garbage and they love to raid gardens for corn and other things. Female raccoons are territorial (stick to the same area) and only socialize ...

Nontimber Forest Products In the United States website
Eric T. Jones Western Swordfern (Polystichum munitum) is widely gathered for the floral greens industry. Usnea (Usnea sp) is a lichen, some of which are collected for their ... tradition in this region and generate significant revenue for communities selling products in tourist areas like Taos and Santa Fe. Moss, various species of sticks and craftwood, cones, dried berries and other NTFPs go ...

Coal River Mountain Watch :: Culture
The online collection includes extensive interviews on native forest species and the seasonal round of traditional harvesting (including spring greens; summer berries and fish; and fall nuts, roots such as ginseng, fruits, and game) and ...

ISSMGE 5th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics ~ GRC
Main Grilled lamb cutlets with thyme reduction, potato zucchini-gratin Or Vegitarion option:Crispy polenta tower with Portobello mushroom, wilted greens and pomegranate-balsamic vinaigrette Desserts Summer pudding, filled with cider flavoured berries and Cox’s orange pippin apples, & Calvados ice cream ...

Summer of Walkabouts: Primitive survival ramblings around the Tobacco Root Mountains
The portions were small, but boy was it good! I cooked the waterbugs separately, and ... berries and explore. We didn't find any berries, but we did gather a few greens. We also gathered some cattail roots and ...

ManyTracks - Organic Garden 2000 - 2002 with Sue Robishaw
GREENS. They got by, but they much prefer the colder years. I tried several new lettuces and a couple of them did particularly well -- Bronze Arrow and Rouge. The others (Rodan, Bologna, and ... its blah flavor, although it does produce nice large berries and has done well. I prefer flavor. Goosecap is ... . Then I will have room for Swiss Chard, and more greens. We don’t heat our small greenhouse, so ...

Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
Potoroos are fed a basic daily allowance of chipped apple and carrot, slices of orange and banana, greens such as lettuce, endive or silverbeet and a few pieces of dog chow. This is ... with almonds, sunflower seeds, sultanas, raisins, cheese and hard boiled egg. When in season, additional fruits and vegetables such as corn, sweet potato, grapes and berries are offered. An important element to the ...

McKeever Conference Menu
Lettuce, Tomato, Pickle, Shaved Red Onion, Yellow Mustard, and Mayonnaise Choice of One Tossed Greens with Ranch and Italian Dressings Homestyle Potato Salad Picnic Macaroni Salad ... and Light Dressings Grilled Herb Rubbed Chicken Breast Steamed Brown Rice or Fresh Baked Yams Chef Selected Seasonal Vegetable Whole Wheat Rolls and Margarine Seasonal Fresh Fruit Display Yogurt Parfaits with Berries and ...

Mountain Justice Summer - Links
The online collection includes extensive interviews on native forest species and the seasonal round of traditional harvesting (including spring greens; summer berries and fish; and fall nuts, roots such as ginseng, fruits, and game) and ...

San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Porcupine
Some have been known to take fruit and corn from plantations, and the North ... have been known to eat insects and small lizards. At the San Diego Zoo and the Wild Animal Park, porcupines may be fed yams, corn, apples, and greens as well as herbivore pellets. ...

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