belgian congo scott

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Okapi Stamps
Belgian Congo Scott # 152 Issued 1932 I believe this stamp was the first to depict the Okapi. Belgian Congo Scott # 206 Issued 1942 This stamp is the same design as #225, but the inscription is reversed: Congo ... the Congo colony stamps. Belgian Congo Scott # 225 Issued 1942 This stamp is the same design as #225, but the inscription is reversed: Belgisch Congo then Congo Belge. Belgian Congo Scott # ...

Celtic musical artists and recordings (not comprehensive)
Vive la Rose he also sings, the title track [a Belgian tune] and at least two others (Lady Margaret and The ... Pickett and friends" or in Contrabande which also features hammer dulcimerist Scott Schillereif, formerly of Tickle Harbour. March 2002: John Bishop and ... that formerly featured Danette Eddy on fiddle, a mandolinist, and congo drums. However recent news stated that Danette and others have ...