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This may be for research into how physical or behavioural traits are inherited or to discover how closely two species are related. The ability of ... with the other group, their different behaviours keep them apart. If their habitat changed, behavioural barriers might break down and allow interbreeding; the hybrids might become new species. Another ...
They may also inherit different or mixed vocabularies (tigers "chuff", lions roar). Hybrids inherit different, sometimes conflicting, behavioural traits from ... . In second generation hybrids (ti-liger, ti-tigon, li-liger, li-tigon), the behavioural traits, as well as the conformation and markings, become closer to that of the ...
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WWF - Threatened Species: Pikas
Great Basin by Tim Lawlor suggests that the unique life-history and behavioural traits of each species make direct application of my work to other species a tenuous connection ...
Psychological Wellbeing of NHPs
The authors ... behaviour, reproduction and development, cognition, personnel, veterinary care, and any special considerations. Physical and behavioural characteristics of each primate group are also given, based on both wild and captive ...
JCU - JCU Herpetological Research
The relationship between ecomorphology, performance and reproductive output in Lygosomine skinks. Do specific traits enable some species to perform better in specific habitats? How do incubation (nest) conditions ... of lizards Territoriality in geckos Geordie Torr, Ph.D. Student ( Behavioural ecology of Boyd's forest dragon (Hypsilurus boydii) Ecology of leaf-tail geckos (genus ...
It probably stems from very early personality/behavioural development experiences in the pet's life. Events such as deliberate abuse, accidental trauma from ... WIN situation for all involved. And to give away a pet with fear/aggression personality traits to someone else is NOT a solution. The innate tendencies of the animal evolved from ...
11ICRS: Mini-Symposium 11 - From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is Reproductive Timing Regulated in Coral Reef Organisms?
Yossi LOYA*, Kazuhiko SAKAI 316 Monday July 7, 2008 11:15 - 11:30 Behavioural endocrinology of bi-directional sex change in coral-dwelling gobies Frederieke KROON*, Philip MUNDAY, David ... KNOWLTON 316 Tuesday July 8, 2008 11:30 - 11:45 Correlated Evolution of Life-History Traits in Scleractinian Corals Alexander KERR*, Andrew BAIRD, Terry HUGHES 316 Tuesday July 8, 2008 11 ...
Postdoctoral Position
This is a laboratory study mainly designed on behavioural patterns, using modern tools, but also on morphology and life-history traits in the presence or absence of stressing factors such as ... speak English and/or French. For further information, candidates should contact: Mathieu Denoel, Ph. D. Behavioural Biology Unit University of Liege 22 Quai Van Beneden B - 4020 Liege, Belgium Mathieu. ...
Summary of report - Development of Two Markers for Hygienic Behaviour of Honeybees
MAS can help identify those offspring that carry desirable traits for use in breeding. Hygienic honeybee colonies are ... hygienic behaviour without field testing. Develop general procedures for the identification of economically important behavioural genes for the honeybee and protocols for their exploitation by industry. Methods used ...