Results 1 - 10 from 120 for beat movement in 0.411 sec.
Ecology Hall of Fame: Snyder
Snyder to the Beat poetry crowd. It was Snyder who inspired the Zen Buddhist craze that swept through the Beat movement. Snyder has worked as a forest ranger, merchant seaman , mountain spotter, and a longshoreman on the San Francisco docks. He also organized mountain climbing expeditions with some of the Beat ...
Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac Jack Kerouac is known in the popular imagination as the harbinger of the Beat movement - a free-wheeling spirit who 'hit the road' in search of a good time and ...
Michael Seraphinoff - Friendly Exchange
I rode my beat-up new bicycle around the neighborhood. Ever since, I've preferred friendly exchange over competitive ... progress got the best of me, I became part of a much more negative, destructive movement "to bring the war home" to those who were responsible for waging the war in ...
Progress & Nuclear Power: The Destruction of the Continent and Its
The form of derailment of the Populist movement became the form of existence of the labour movement during the century that followed. The ...
Only The Poets Can Save Us Now
Earth. But the farmers beat the nomads, and the Christian prophets tell us that we are ... . They are eco-terrorists destroying the Earth. The entire Civil Rights movement of the sixties was initiated with a single rune of power. ... the world. In March of 1945, Adolph Hitler saw he was beat. He sent out orders to destroy or permanently disable everything in Germany -- ...
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The Rainwater Harvesting Community ::
Keep Austin Weird”, is the center of the green movement in Texas. One man leads the charge- Dick Peterson, Environmental Program Coordinator at Austin Energy ... 's a step-by-step account of how I built my rainwater harvesting system to beat those hot Texas summers and kept my garden green more>> Local Heroes: Albuquerque's Aggresive ...
Foundation History
Cullis, President The 1980s were a decade of ferment and rich growth in the environmental movement in British Columbia. Struggles led by native leaders were linked with others across the nation ... it all, volunteers have sustained the organisation and ensured that beneath the changes the steady beat of the heart of the Foundation continues, stronger than ever. Because of them, our dedicated ...
Cooperative Feeding Behavior of Crocodilians 1
However, alligators plunging forth to beat off others that got too close suggests that these alligators were not feeding cooperatively, but ... feed. Species include kob, spotted grunter but more importantly, striped mullet (Mugil cephalus). The annual movement of the mullet shoals is fairly constant, and between mid-April and mid-May each ...
More to think about
Amazon rainforest increased from 0.6% to 17.3% after major road construction. The easier movement of people also brings diseases to the forest people. Again in the Amazon, imported disease ... , India, villagers were evicted to make way for tourist facilities. They were so angry, they beat up the game warden. Some governments give people good places to live elsewhere, but too ...
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Aquarium Exhibits - Jellies: Living Art - Rhythm and Movement
Example There's no standard rhythm tempo for jellies Our Rhythm and Movement gallery surrounds visitors with the mesmerizing beauty of drifting, pulsing and gliding jellies. Among the ... peacefully like living lava lamps; others beat fast and furiously. Still others row with oarlike paddles or throb forever upside-down. More rhythm and movement video A comb jelly's a drifter ...
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