Results 1 - 10 from 417 for basin wide in 0.168 sec.
Futurewater - Expertise: water shortage
FutureWater uses the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) instrument. Example project: Field scale adaptation strategies to climate change to sustain food security in the Volta basin ... beauty, problem, challenge Expertise Water for food Water excess Water shortage Climate Change River Basin Management Irrigation ©copyright 2006 FutureWater | home | contact | ...
Environmental Assessment of Multiple Small Hydropower
Multiple Small Hydropower Development Location of the Owens River Basin and Bishop, California. What are the basin-wide environmental impacts associated with multiple hydropower project developments ... . Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 1986. Final environmental impact statement, Owens River Basin, seven hydroelectric projects, California. FERC/EIS-0041. Office of Hydropower Licensing, Washington ...
Living Rivers Grand Canyon Campaign
Colorado River basin. In most years, nearly every drop of water is diverted from ... for all Colorado River water users. Lastly, it must conduct a basin-wide Environmental Impact Statement to determine the viability of maintaining the ... snow melt, flushing decades of sediment build-up within the basin into Lake Powell in a matter of days or weeks. ...
Restoration of the Mono Basin Ecosystem
Up from the lake, Mono Lake’s tributary streams meandered through the arid Great Basin landscape, supporting lush bottomlands in the stream floodplain. These “wooded wetlands” featured multistoried cottonwood ... through the desiccated floodplains plugging up side channels and turning the main channels into wide, straight washes. Deprived of most of its inflow, Mono Lake dropped 45 vertical feet, ...
Consequences (vol. 1, No. 1) - America's Water Supply: Status and Prospects for the Future
The United States has made ... to protecting drinking water supplies from contamination in the first place. In summary, with improved basin-wide management of supplies, institutions that enable water to be transferred efficiently and expeditiously among ...
Blue River Basin Project
Basin Source Water Management Assistance project concluded in 2006. During which, The Groundwater Foundation held basin-wide and regional seminars and community workshops, in cooperation with local partners. Basin-wide ... the water quality facts and issues of that particular region. During the basin-wide and regional seminars, the Foundation solicited requests from community representatives who would ...
Mono Basin Calendar of Events
Events The Mono Lake Committee's NEW calendar of Mono Lake, Mono Basin, and nearby or related events. Click on an event for more details. Click on our ... -left scrollbar showing This page is best viewed in a monitor greater than 800 pixels wide. HELP: If you see duplicate events If you are using Internet Explorer and see events ...
WWF - Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM)
Instead, each case study demonstrates the use of one or more particular approaches, tools or processes intended to promote and catalyse wider IRBM schemes within the respective basin. ... or more, and in these can be seen the promise of basin-wide achievements. Others are working their way towards the river basin scale, perhaps having started out as smaller site-specific or ...
Great Lakes Drainage Basin - GLERL Research : Organized by Region
Great Lakes | United States | International Research by Region: Great Lakes Basin GLERL projects related to the entire Great Lakes Basin. Great Lakes: Lake Erie | Lake Huron | Lake Michigan | Lake Ontario | ... displayed at: A number of projects have a basin-wide scope. These include: CoastWatch, Impacts of Climate Change, Water Resources Research, New Bathymetry of ...
IELRC.ORG - Stakeholder Discourse in the Nile Basin
Support to basin-wide initiatives such as NBI laudable & should be sustained Support for civil society engagement in basin –wide initiatives to be in tandem with basin-wide initiative support CS much weaker compared to government Enable to demand access to benefits negotiated at inter-state level To secure investment in basin-wide ...
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