base year inventory

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Happy Harry
Audit and Waste Reduction Work Plan. This plan requires a detailed inventory of materials that are being sent to landfill, what efforts ... going to disposal by at least 50% by the year 2000, compared to the base year of 1987. This is a provincial target that ... the reselling of used building materials. It's estimated that last year alone over 100 million tons of material were diverted from landfill ...

Happy Harry
Waste Audit and Waste Reduction Plan. This plan requires a detailed inventory of materials that are being sent to be land filled, what efforts are being made ... reduce the amount of waste being disposed by at least 50% by the year 2000, compared to the 1987 base year. Similar legislation has been proposed right across Canada. To achieve this goal ... More from this site

2008 Federal Register Notices by Publication Date | Transportation and Air Quality | US EPA
Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area to Attainment and Approval of the Maintenance Plan and 2002 Base-Year Inventory Action: Proposed rule PDF file (247K) July 17, 2008 Volume 73 No. 138 pp. 41068 ... 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Area to Attainment and Approval of the Maintenance Plan and 2002 Base-Year Inventory Action: Proposed rule PDF file (263K) top of page This page is maintained by EPA ...

EIA - Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the U.S. 2006-Overview
Relatively robust economic growth in 2006, at 2 ... base year for the Bush Administration’s emissions intensity reduction goal of 18 percent in a decade, U.S. greenhouse gas intensity has fallen by an average of 2.5 percent per year ... a Global Perspective In EIA’s 2005 emissions inventory report, total U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide ...

India and UNFCCC
GHGs, and a general description of steps taken for the implementation of the Convention. The GHG inventory for the country is being prepared for the base year 1994, ... Abatement Strategy (ALGAS) study, by the Government of India. The study developed a national inventory of GHG sources and sinks, and identified potential mitigation options. Country-specific emission factors ...

Inventory Guidance | Climate Leaders | US EPA
EPA Home Climate Change Climate Leaders Technical Resources Inventory Guidance Inventory Guidance Technical Resources Inventory Guidance Design Principles Guidance Cross-Sector Guidance Sector ... Inventory Guidance consists of the following components: Design Principles Guidance contains information on defining inventory boundaries, identifying GHG emission sources, defining and adjusting a base year ...

Canadian GHG Challenge: Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]
Since this becomes the base year for your comparison you would likely choose a year that represents `normal' operation in a year prior to having undertaken significant activities designed ... most accurately describe your total GHG inventory, you should use the factor for each year and apply it to the electricity consumption for that year. However, when plotting historical trend ...

Pitcher's Thistle ESA
C. pitcheri contain several microliters of sweet-scented nectar secreted by a ridge at the base of the style (Keddy 1981, Knuth 1908). Apparently, a wide array of potential pollinators are ... detailed description of the methodology and the results of the first year's monitoring, see McEachern et al. (1989). A three-year inventory, monitoring study is scheduled to be completed in the summer ...

Small is dutiful
The Greenhouse Gas Inventory group is well on the way to completing its task. ... a centralized planning unit. It has also shown that in the base year, 1994, Niue emitted a total of 4,931.003605 gigagrams of ... on Climate Change, even developing countries have to submit a national inventory of sources and sinks of greenhouse gases, and of programmes ...

Funded Conservation and Research Projects
Promoting conservation of and research in the Alamos region by initiating a biotic inventory, developing a GIS base map, and compiling a Latin-English-Spanish plant list 2004-2006 Understanding ... Studies Unit, IMRICO Krebbs A 10-year inventory and monitoring program for bats in the CNM and FBNHS. 2002 Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge plant inventory USFWS Dan Austin (Research Associate) ...

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