balsam poplar

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Balsam Poplar
Balsam Poplar Balsam Poplar In spring, when its leaves appear and the fruit develops, the balsam poplar gives off a characteristic odour. It is one of the few sizable deciduous trees that ... as ornamentals in northern towns and villages. Typically found in low-lying, moist ground, this poplar prefers the alluvial shorelines of waterways and lakes. It forms pure stands but also is ...

FORE214 - Species list
Order Salicales 1> Family Salicaceae a: Genus Populus 1: Populus nigra - Lombardy poplar 2: Populus trichocarpa - Western balsam poplar b: Genus Salix - willows b> Order Violales 1> Family Violaceae a: Genus Melicytus ...

Land Stewardship Resource Centre
Over 60 species of songbirds, shorebirds and waterfowl and at least 30 mammals depend ...

ManyTracks - The Solar Chicken Coop
But we used what we had -- Balm of Gilead, or Balsam Poplar. When re-placed in the wall, the logs were secured at each end by a ...

National Geographic: Lewis & Clark—Plants—Black Cottonwood
Balsam Poplar, California Poplar) Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa July 1 or 2, 1806, at Traveler's Rest, Montana. The tallest native cottonwood, with open crown of erect branches and sticky, resinous buds with balsam ...

Pioneer Species - plants for re-establishing Woodland - Plants For A Future
Populus species. Many species of poplar are fast growing and make good pioneers, though most members of the genus will not ... poplar will succeed in drier and poorer soils than most members of the genus, and is also quite tolerant of maritime exposure, though it dislikes strong cold winds. P. balsamifera. The balsam poplar ...

EcoWorld - Trees Search
Aromata Atlantic Cedar Australian Pine Bagasse Baldcypress Balm of Gilead or Ontario Poplar Balsam Fir Balsam Poplar Banyan Tree Baobab Baromalli Basralocus or Angelique Betula albosinensis Betula ... Liquidambar formosana Liquidambar orientalis Littleleaf Linden Loblolly Pine Lodgepole pine Lombardy (Black Poplar cultivar) london plane tree Longleaf Pine Louro Macedonian Pine Magnolia Magnolia ...

Huron Pines > Claybanks: Au Sable River Streambank Restoration
These stakes will sprout and grow into small shrubs and trees as soon as the ...

WWF - Canadian Boreal Forests - A Global Ecoregion
White spruce (P. glauca), Tamarack (Larix laricina), Dwarf birch (Betula spp.), Willow (Salix spp.), and Balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera). Threats Major threats include logging in the southwestern portions, and large-scale mining ...

Amabilis Fir American Basswood American Beech American Hop-Hornbeam Arbutus Balsam Fir Balsam Poplar Beaked Hazel Bigleaf Maple Black Ash Black Cherry Black Maple Black-Gum Black Locust ...

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