bacteria and fungi

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Results 1 - 10 from 233 for bacteria and fungi in 0.318 sec.

Oil fate during oil spills in the marine environment
About a hundred known species of bacteria and fungi are able to use oil components to sustain their growth and metabolism. ... Their surface serves as a substrate for developing bacteria, unicellular algae, and other microorganisms. Besides, many invertebrates (e.g., gastropods, polychaetes, and crustaceans) resistant to oil's impacts ...

COPA - PCBs and Superfund in Bloomington, Indiana
Purdue's Markey Center for Structural Biology and Cancer Center, the obstacle to effective in situ PCB remediation is simple - bacteria can't quite ... bacteria and fungi, do not find them tasty. "PCB molecules actually look very similar to many organic molecules that certain bacteria eat," Bolin said. "But there are enough little differences that bacteria can ...

Genetically Engineered Crops and Soil Fertility
In addition, transformation, the uptake of naked genes from the soil into bacteria ...

EJF: Farming the Sea - unregulated shrimp farming, the environment and people
Combined with this problem of importing new pathogens is the potential for interbreeding with, and ...

Vermiculture - Research and Production, Morarka NGO
Bacteria (cells/gm) 2.5 * 10 6 2. Phosphate Solubilizing Microbes In sufficient quantities 3. Beneficial Fungi (spores incl.) In sufficient quantities Beneficial bacteria and fungi ...

Science and the Environment Bulletin: Tributyltin antifoulant hazardous to aquatic ecosystems
However, the use of tributyltin in antifouling paints on the hulls of ships and boats poses one of the ... start to grow a penis which eventually blocks the oviduct, preventing reproduction, and leading to population declines and local extinction. This phenomenon is called "imposex," the imposition of male sexual ...

As with chemically preserved foods, paraben preserved cosmetics ensure that the cosmetic manufacturer can produce the product en masse and ...

Clean Production Pulp and Paper
Genetic damage and toxicity to fish and essential ... and increase work place safety. These changes will directly benefit workers and people in mill towns, who are exposed to bleaching chemicals, process gases, emissions from treatment ponds, and bacteria and fungi on wood chips and ...

Conservation of Wildlife and Nature Bill 1999
"Animal" therefore includes reptiles, insects, all many legged invertebrate creatures, snails and ... any inanimate living organism, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, includes algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, bushes, shrubs and trees and seeds and spores and every other stage in ...

Scientific and practical urgency of problem consists in revealing an intercoupling between the sorption of non-ferrous and precios metals by the biomass and ...

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