bachelor herds

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The Jungle: Waterbuck
Bachelor herds stay closeby. The African Waterbuck shown at right was made by UNIPAK. Alligator | Antelope | Camel ...

Amanda Blake Memorial -- Performing Animal Welfare Society -- PAWS
Bachelor herds have not worked out well and they are currently working with various drugs to allow ... have only had two "successful" bachelor herds. When PAWS contacted the L.A. zoo, a representative stated that the zoo's bachelor herd only lasted one year. The bachelor herds were also located at Fossil ...

Jungle Photos Africa Animals mammals - bushbuck natural history
These antelope are considered solitary but, where forage is plentiful, they gather in small herds, dominated by adult females. They often come into the open at dusk, and may roam ... , when males compete for control of harems. Losing males collect together in small, loosely knit bachelor herds. Young are born within six months of mating enables populations to bounce back following a ...

Jungle Photos Africa Animals mammals - giraffe natural history
Herds of giraffe comprise up to 40 individuals, mostly females and calves with a half dozen or so bulls. Bachelor herds comprise mostly large males, although they ... More from this site

Terrestrial Ecoregions -- Western Zambezian grasslands (AT0724)
In the dry season, individuals disperse, with males forming bachelor herds that can grow to 50 individuals. Once the rut begins, males and females gather to ...

Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui, Hawaii
(Fuchs 1977). Herds of over 500 individuals have been observed, but ... emitted "yows" periodically until commencing to graze at 1601; the other deer in the "bachelor" herd never reappeared. Play behavior, especially locomotor play, was frequently seen. In locomotor play, ...

History of Mount Diablo
R.N. Burgess) and changed the name to Cook Farms. Seth, a bachelor, inherited and passed the farm to his niece Louise and her husband john F. Boyd ... to Martinez, until his death in 1914. By the 1890’s grizzly bear and great herds of elk had disappeared from the area. Sunday picnics were often held at Mitchell or ...

Africa on the Matrix: The Elephant – The World's Largest Land Animal
Elephants are extremely social animals. They live in herds dominated by females. There is a prime matriarch ... herds. When males reach adolescence and their behavior becomes less tolerable to the dominant females, they are pushed out of the herd and will typically join a nearby "bachelor herd" of males. Larger herds (above 10-15 members) will often ...

Dr North and the Kansas City Milk War
North grew up on a dairy farm in New York. He earned his bachelor's degree in 1893 and his M.D. at Columbia University in 1900. He also ... sewers. The Star, under the headline "Milk Plot Charged," noted that out-of-state dairy herds were not inspected for disease and that "outlaw milk" from as far away as Colorado ...

San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Wild Cattle
Often several herds may get together during the breeding season, then go their ... , they often fall prey to leopards or lions. Sometimes the "bachelor" bulls will form small groups of their own. Water buffalo ... breed, then go back to their bachelor groups. Everyone’s doing it Cattle that live in large herds tend to do everything together. For ...