Results 1 - 10 from 327 for award recipient in 0.318 sec.
NOAA Names Nancy Foster Award Recipient for Habitat Conservation
AWARD RECIPIENT FOR HABITAT CONSERVATION National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has named Elliott A. Norse as the 2006 recipient of the Nancy Foster Award for Habitat Conservation. NOAA announced the award ...
Steve Bridger Wins 2006 Colibri Award | Planeta
Colibri Award OAXACA DE JUAREZ, MEXICO -- As part of the global celebration of World Environment Day, today names Steve Bridger as the sixth annual Colibri Ecotourism Award recipient. First presented in 2001, the Colibri Award is presented to a leading catalyst working toward ecotourism in Mexico. The winner of the award is selected by ...
NAIMA I.Q. Award Overview
I.Q. Insulation Quality award from the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA). An Award for Best Practices The I.Q. Award will honor selected metal building contractors who ... your customer deserves the award. We’ll review your nomination. We will invite you to join us in notifying the builder if he is an award recipient. Nomination Criteria The builder ...
sbdn student travel award
Forest Resources, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634). Southeastern Bat Diversity Network Student Travel Award to Annual NASBR Meeting Purpose The Southeastern Bat Diversity Network (SBDN) recognizes ... members that will select the award recipient, secure donated funds for the travel award, and otherwise provide oversight for this process. Award Amount The maximum award amount will be $500.00, ...
Congressman George Miller Recieves hightest conservation Award
George Miller Recieves hightest conservation Award Support NPT 2007 Bruce F. Vento Award Recipient: Congressman George Miller Our Valued Sponsors Our sincere thanks to the following sponsors for helping to make the NPT Seventh Annual Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award possible. ...
Senator John McCain Receives Highest Conservation Award for Parks Efforts
John McCain Receives Highest Conservation Award for Parks Efforts Support NPT 2006 Bruce F. Vento Award Recipient: Senator John McCain Our Valued Sponsors Our sincere thanks to the following sponsors for helping to make the NPT Sixth Annual Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award possible. ...
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Lindbergh Award - Lindbergh Foundation
Lindbergh Award. This event serves as an opportunity to honor the award recipient, communicate a common vision and inspire those in attendance. Selection Procedure Nominations for the Lindbergh Award are made by individuals and are reviewed by the Award Committee ...
Nominate Someone for an Award - Lindbergh Foundation
Lindbergh Award to highly respected individuals in cities around the country. The award recipient is the featured speaker at an annual celebration, which serves as an opportunity to honor the award recipient, communicate a common vision and inspire those in attendance. If you know someone worthy of this honor, please use the Lindbergh Award Nomination Guidelines ...
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Royal Roads University - Public nominations sought for RRU's Chancellor's Community Recognition Award
RRU's Chancellor's Community Recognition Award. The award is typically presented during a university convocation ceremony to a resident or an ... and the nominators of candidates selected to receive an award will be invited to attend the award celebration and have lunch with the award recipient and members of the RRU board of governors. ...
Ulu Helekahi wins Coveted Tiny Malaikini Award
Award Ulu Helekahi wins Coveted Tiny Malaikini Award In conjunction with Hana's annual Aloha Festival activities, one outstanding individual is singled out as the recipient of the "Tiny Malaikini Mea Kokua Award ... Mea Kokua Award Chairman Carl Lindquist, (Mea Kokua being the Hawaiian word for "helper"), the honor consists of a cash prize, a koa-frame proclamation, and the addition of the recipient' ...
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