Results 1 - 10 from 97 for average fertility in 0.593 sec.
Conclusion - Can China feed itself?
While lifestyle change associated with increasing prosperity has led to very low voluntary fertility rates in urban areas, the situation is certainly different in the countryside. In rural ... of children, if family planning restrictions were relaxed. However, only a slight increase in average fertility would increase China's population - and mouths to feed - by hundreds of millions. China' ...
Argument - Population Intervention Possibilities
China. However, other developments cannot be excluded. The problem is that even very small changes in (average) fertility would massively affect the total number of people due to the enormous absolute size of the population. For instance, a drop in average fertility by only 0. ...
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Myths, Truths, & Half Truths About Population Growth & the Environment
Couples in Italy, Germany and Spain have just 1.2 to 1.3 children each. The average fertility rate in Europe ... of fertility rates." Education usually does produce smaller families, but there are exceptions. Tanzania had achieved 90 percent female literacy by the early 1990s, but parents in 2002 had an average of ...
NPG Forum: In Support of a Revolution by Lindsey Grant November 1997
The price of that failure, in much of the world, was ... because Japan maintains rice prices five times the world level. Our average cereal yields are 85% of those in Japan, even though we ... to 9.4 billion in the next half century even if average fertility in the poorest countries (the UN's 48 "least developed") should ...
NPG Forum: Sustainability, Part I- On the Edge of an Oxymoron by Lindsey Grant
Growth will stop. Will it stop in benign or catastrophic ... than we are now experiencing, and it assumes that immigrants' fertility will move down, whereas in fact it is driving the average fertility upward.) Starkly put, this means that the issue of growth ...
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Population Action International :
In addition to the terms you're already using, you could try using ‘Fertility Control, Postconception.' This is the broader term to our ‘abortion' terms and most records ...
Before planting kenaf, have your soil tested. Normally on sandy loam of average fertility, kenaf should have at least 100 pounds per acre of nitrogen fertilizer. For maximum foliage ... a good start to reach its maximum productivity. That means enough moisture and enough soil fertility. Kenaf can be cultivated by hand weeding, hoes and or tractor cultivator. December 2006 - New ...
Population Action International : Family Planning in the Philippines: A Global Wake-Up Call for Policymakers
... the developing world from 10 percent to 60 percent since 1960 and a decline in average fertility rates from about six children per woman to three children per woman -- significant needs remain ... since the late 1970s and -- if access to family planning does not increase and current fertility rates remain static -- it will double again from 86 million today to 170 million in ...
Biodiversity Conservation in Britain: Science Replacing
Conservationists have perhaps generally been more in favour of the status quo than the average member of the public or scientist. When they encounter a traditionally grazed, flower-rich ... little interest to flowering plant conservationists, except in so much as it may increase soil fertility and so reduce the floristic diversity. Botanists have long dominated conservation management in Britain, ...
SPA :: Infosheets :: Declining Fertility
Low fertility leads gradually to a higher average age but longevity is one of the criteria of a successful society and can bring many benefits. Rather than lamenting low fertility we should ...
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