atomic bomb radiation

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Welcome to Downwinders
Reporter: Suzanne Smith, March 03, 2005, LATELINE, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Las Vegas museum dedicated to atomic bomb re-ignites debate By ED KOCIELA, February 28, 2005, The Spectrum Atomic ... Ashley and Andrea Widener, Feb. 21, 2004, CONTRA COSTA TIMES Filibuster stalls radiation exposure compensation act News, Tuesday, January 27, 2004, Cibola County Beacon Russia ...

Document Title
Energy atomic plants, representatives of workers and others subjected to radiation exposure say ... atomic tests in the Pacific and in Nevada. Her husband -- who died in 1978 of lymphoma -- was among more than 250,000 members of the U.S. armed forces exposed to atomic bomb tests at close range. Pat Broudy has extensive experience with government denials of radiation-related claims ... More from this site

Welcome to Downwinders
CONCERNING CONPENSATION AND OTHER ISSUES FACING COLD WAR RADIATION VICTIMS CHECK OUT OUR RADIATION VICTIMS' SECTION! NEW NUCLEAR WEAPONS THREATS... CONTINUING DANGER ... Radiation-fallout compensation reaches $1 billion By Thomas Burr, March 3, 2006, The Salt Lake Tribune Radiation Linked to Thyroid Nodules in Atomic Bomb Survivors March 1, 2006, Reuters Health Radiation Effects Linger in Atomic-Bomb ...

Radiation Protection News Room | Radiation Protection | US EPA
Hiroshima atomic bomb (San Diego Union Tribune) The moment when the bomb dubbed 'Little Boy' was dropped on the city, killing tens of thousands immediately and many more later from radiation sickness. Nuclear ... Today In History - August 6, 2008 (WCBS-TV New York) The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, resulting in an estimated 140000 deaths in the first use of a ...

Radiation Risk
Current "risk per exposure" ratios have been derived from a study of the health of atomic bomb ...

WestWeb: The Atomic West
Main WestWeb Menu General Atomic History The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Human Radiation Experiments Homepage. To obtain a list of all known atomic blasts and ... atomic bomb. Information about Peter Bacon Hales's upcoming Atomic Spaces: Living on the Manhattan Project. Documents on the decision to use the atomic bomb are reproduced at Atomic Bomb: Decision in e-text form. Bombshell Atomic ...

1950's Soviet A-Bomb Tests Still Claim Victims
Meanwhile people living in the blast region remain exposed to ionizing radiation, with soil levels of plutonium-239 and 240 up to five ... their uniforms, rubber boots and masks to watch a 40 kiloton atomic bomb explode nearby 350 metres above their heads. They then embarked on ... again in the other direction. Afterwards there were no tests for radiation. But we were given new uniforms as a reward. We ...

Health Effects | Radiation Protection | US EPA
Is any amount of radiation safe? How do we know radiation causes cancer? Aren't children more sensitive to radiation than adults? Effects of radiation type and exposure pathway Non-radiation ... had been exposed. Among the best known long-term studies are those of Japanese atomic bomb blast survivors, other populations exposed to nuclear testing fallout (for example, natives of the ...

RERF's Research - Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Are survivors exposed to atomic-bomb radiation when young more sensitive to the effects of radiation than those exposed when older? 2. Are the cancers expected to ... cancers that have not increased among the A-bomb survivors to date also unlikely to increase in the future? 4. Are survivors exposed to atomic-bomb radiation when young more likely to contract non ...

Frequently Asked Questions - Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Among the approximately 3,000 in utero exposed atomic-bomb survivors, the following results have been observed: a reduction in IQ as radiation dose increases, a higher incidence of mental ... firm conclusions, but the data to date suggest a trend of increasing risk as radiation exposure increases, similar in extent to the trend observed among those exposed to atomic-bomb radiation as children. ... More from this site

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