Results 1 - 10 from 17 for athabasca oil sands in 0.492 sec.
Science and the Environment Bulletin: Managing Cumulative Effects in the North
The rapid development of these resources is putting significant pressures on ... for dealing effectively and efficiently with multiple proposals for hydrocarbon developments in the Athabasca Oil Sands of northern Alberta. A multi-stakeholder body developed a Regional Sustainable Development Strategy, ...
Syncrude Oil Sand Mine, Alberta Mining Technology
Athabasca oil sands – holds eight leases covering 258,000 hectares, 40km north of Fort McMurray. Ranked as the world's largest producer of synthetic crude from oil sands ...
alternative energy: natural gas - "Oil and Gas Outlook"
As described by Tim Brock, Canada has the ability, through the development of the Athabasca oil sands that has occurred over the last 10 -15 years, to help boost domestic supply of oil. "World's largest deposit of oil of approximately 1. ...
The CLEARWATER RIVER "Great Canadian Rivers"
Since 1967, when the Great Canadian Oils Sands company (now known as Suncor Energy) began extracting crude oil from the Athabasca oil sands on a large scale, Fort McMurray has been the headquarters of the Canadian oil sands industry. ...
Minerals Move People
Alberta, the northernmost road leads to the great Athabasca oil sands deposits near Fort McMurray, a city now almost entirely sustained by the two large oil sands processing facilities. In Saskatchewan, the two roads that ... moved into the area, and then spread out to other areas to search for more oil. Oil in the Persian Gulf opened work opportunities that brought tens of thousands of people to ...
Tar Sands • The Coming Global Oil Crisis
Richard Heinberg [2003 Fall] " Oil sands are likewise reputed to be potential substitutes for conventional oil. The Athabasca oil sands in northern Alberta contain an estimated 870 billion to 1.3 trillion barrels of oil ...
Minerals Move People
Alberta, the northernmost road leads to the great Athabasca oil sands deposits near Fort McMurray, a city now almost entirely sustained by the two large oil sands processing facilities. In Saskatchewan, the two roads that ... moved into the area, and then spread out to other areas to search for more oil. Oil in the Persian Gulf opened work opportunities that brought tens of thousands of people to ...
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ASPO the Association for the Study of Peak Oil
Extra Heavy Oil and Bitumen – The Challenges of Enhanced Recovery François Cupcic Extra heavy oil from the Orinoco belt in Venezuela and bitumen from the Athabasca oil sands in Alberta (Canada) represent the largest remaining resources of non-conventional oil in the world. ...
Hatfield Consultants - Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of Oil Sands Development
Oil Sands Development Environmental Information Systems GIS & Remote Sensing International Development Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of Oil Sands Development The Athabasca oil sands of northern Canada are a significant component of the world’s petroleum resources, about one-third the size of known reserves of conventional crude oil ...
Athabasca Sands Mining Technology
Alberta, the Athabasca Oil Sands – named after the river which cuts through the heart of the deposit – are the largest of province’s three oil sands resources. There are ... underground wells to inject steam into the oil sands deposits and collect the bitumen released by the heat. Expand ImageMap showing the extent of the Athabasca Oil Sands. Expand ImageOil sand -- 10% bitumen in a ...
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