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However, it did allow in such a situation a labeling claim that the product "substantially reduces" the harm associated with chlorine bleaching ...
SBN Feature Article: June 1997
One enzyme introduced by Novo enables paper producers to reduce (and ultimately eliminate) chlorine in the bleaching process. Enzymes require less energy to be effective than their chemical counterparts. In ... systems, ensure that staff are adequately trained, that managers are aware of all risks associated with plant diseases, and that the farmers can safely adopt ICMS. Sainsbury: http://www.j- ...
Glossary of Terms - Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Atmospheric Deposition - Pollution from the atmosphere associated with dry deposition in the form of dust, wet deposition in the form of ... ). Dioxins can form during combustion of organic materials containing chlorine, as undesirable by-products during chemical manufacture and bleaching operations. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) - A measure of the ...
In the long run this reduces overall chemical costs, not to mention the pleasure of no chlorine smells and associated bleaching ...
SRD Home Page
Australia. . To liaise with and advise government agencies, professional associations, environmental ... the use of unbleached or non chlorine bleached paper stock Bleached paper ... responsibility by printing PCW content, ink and bleaching type on their work Customers & ... Society for Responsible Design and its committee and associated organisations excludes any warranty implied ...
Chlorine (Cl) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
This element is a part of the halogen series forming salts. It is extracted from chlorides through oxidation and electrolysis. Chlorine gas is greenish-yellow and combines readily with ... occur at levels of chlorine that are normally found in the environment. Human health effects associated with breathing or otherwise consuming small amounts of chlorine over long ...
#79 -- Green Building, 28-Feb-2007 | Environmental Research Foundation
This suggests that governments have learnt little from their experiences with ... chlorine and metal additives found in plastics. Chlorine is used in the bleaching process for paper, and releases dioxins into the air when burned. Garthe said other materials containing chlorine, ...
Environmental Protection Agency - LMOP: Frequently Asked Questions About Landfill Gas and How It Affects Public Health, Safety, and the Environment
NMOC. What are the public health, safety, and environmental concerns associated with landfill gas? The public health, safety, and environmental concerns fall into three categories: subsurface ... as the bleaching of pulp and paper. Some of the conditions that are conducive to dioxin/furan formation are the combustion of organic material in the presence of chlorine and ...
IPEN NewsLetter July
EECCA countries started to participate actively in addressing problems, associated with environmental contamination with persistent organic pollutants. In the course of their activities, many ... products (including personal hygiene products) or those bleached without the use of chlorine. Chlorine bleaching processes unintentionally also generate POPs by-products. Do not reuse pesticides from ...
Certified Organic Clothing Labels: What Does It All Mean?
AOX is associated with toxic dioxins that can be a result of chlorine used during the bleaching process. Most organic textile standards prohibit AOX or any ingredients ... . High levels of exposure to formaldehyde in the range of 50-100 PPM have been associated with swelling of the lungs and movement of fluid into the lungs. According to the Washington ...