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Division of Migratory Bird Management - Important Information for Waterfowl and Sandhill Crane Hunters
CRANES Whooping Cranes, or whoopers, stand over 5 feet tall and are the tallest bird in North America. These cranes have a wingspan of over 7 feet and often associate with sandhill cranes ...
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Whooping Crane Photo Gallery
This sandhill crane at Patuxent helps by incubating a whooping crane egg during its critical period. Sandhill cranes at Patuxent are also used to help ensure the safety of procedures that may eventually be used on whooping cranes. ... of a brooding whooper so that the chick will associate warmth with an adult crane. The brooding model is made ...
Predation politics: wolves, conditioned taste aversion & wildlife management
CTA is not aversive conditioning. “Aversive conditioning” refers to any occasions in which animals associate some cue with some punishment (18). CTA can be classified within this category and it was very ... freely. I repeated the procedure in 1982 with Common Ravens that developed CTA to illness-causing eggs designed to look like those of Greater Sandhill Cranes in a national wildlife refuge (27). At ...
Vision beyond mandate: Creating farmland protected areas in the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico TODD MILLER The author is Associate Planner, Open Space Division, Albuquerque Parks and Recreation ... Bernalillo County 1999). Albuquerque lies within a rugged landscape with a unique cultural history. Native Puebloans and early ... as forage crops for protected migratory waterfowl such as sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis), Canada geese (Branta canadensis), and numerous duck ...
Predation politics: wolves, conditioned taste aversion & wildlife management
That such a wide diversity of vertebrates share the same predisposition to associate food taste with a single time- ... refuge. In their breeding territories Ravens were offered mimic eggs of Greater Sandhill Cranes (Grus Canadensis) treated with Landrin (57). Preliminary observations revealed locations of active Raven breeding territories, ...