artifacts recovered

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Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah from Slave Ship to Pirate Ship
Cape Cod. Using artifacts recovered from the wreck, "Real Pirates: The Untold Story of ... went on the account." Guests see more than 200 actual Whydah artifacts recovered by underwater explorer Barry Clifford, such as treasure from more ... Official Companion Book Get the definitive account that combines artifacts from the exhibit with maps and imagery from the 18th ...

Fish and Wildlife Service
Missouri Valley, Iowa, DeSoto NWR is home to a premier archaeological collection of 200,000 artifacts excavated from the buried hull of the steamboat Bertrand, which sank on the Missouri River ... 1865. The wreck was discovered on the refuge in 1968. Visitors can view hundreds of artifacts recovered from the wreck at the refuge visitor center. Great Rivers, Restored Prairie Mark Iowa Refuges ...

Eugene Weekly : Movies : 07.08.04
Museum in Baghdad, restore order and search for missing treasures, including priceless solid gold artifacts discovered in the ruins at Nimrud. The Nimrud ruins, now guarded by U.S. ... by looters, who destroyed priceless pieces of world history and culture. Important antiquities are successfully recovered, but the film highlights the uncertain future of such projects. SASTUN: MY APPRENTICESHIP WITH ...

FLMNH - Historical Archaeology - Current Research Sites
Indian women or slaves living in St. Augustine. Artifacts as they are recovered during screening at Fort Mose. Archaeology has filled in some of the details about ... earth walls and wooden buildings inside the fort. They also found a wide variety of artifacts; military items such as gunflints, flattened bullets, metal buckles and hardware; household items such as ...

Destruction of Iraq's Cultural Heritage - Security Council - Global Policy Forum
Iraq’s archaeological treasures. Important sites remain unguarded and the country has lost priceless historical artifacts. Director of Oriental Science at the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin, Margarete van Ess, ... items looted from the Iraq National Museum in Baghdad have yet to be traced or recovered. The author of this Independent piece describes the looting as "evidence of how quickly ...

Boycott Woodchipping Campaign, North Corporate Profile
Furthermore, claims that cyanide was being recovered and that tailings were being detoxified at Northparkes proved to be untrue.29 North's ... hill was required for purposes relating to woodchip operations. This site was rich in Aboriginal artifacts, but all deposits unearthed during construction were taken away by La Trobe University in Victoria ...

Hudson River History Tour
Americans in control of areas north. The plans were recovered and the officer, Major John Andre, was tried and hanged. The capture of Major ... the Tarrytowns, in Tarrytown. The historical museum also features Native American artifacts, items from early Dutch history, archaeological artifacts, Revolutionary War items, items from both world wars, firearms, jewelry and ...

History Becomes a Berkshires "Hangout House"
Five years of interior re-do, from faux marble walls to recovered furniture, from the modernized kitchen to the updated bathrooms have made the house and its ... reminiscences, based on the early century look of then-contemporary French furniture but accommodating to artifacts on today's market. If, for instance, the Abelow's furnishings substitute American for French ...

Shell Point, Florida -- A wealth of Native American Pottery
She recovered the bottle less its bottom and remarked she has several other bottle - bottoms and ... & Pre-Columbian Artifacts This is a commercial site where artifacts are available for purchase. However, in addition to excellent photos of artifacts, you will also find articles on collecting artifacts, Native American ...

Scuba Diving -
Ancient manuscripts contain depictions of early divers. Century old artifacts imply that people dove for materials for jewelry such as pearls. Greek literature refers to ... . Since 1985 both the US and France have revisited the site, and the French have recovered artifacts from the ship. 1993 (scuba). The 50th anniversary of the invention of modern scuba diving ...

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