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Clock ticks on forest crisis
IFF were to "consider matters left pending"[iii] from IPF and to consider "international arrangements and mechanisms to promote the management and conservation of forests"[iv]. But it was this latter mandate that ... NGOs advocate better legal arrangements. But the forest debate is a highly political debate that links in with discussions on trade, land use and land rights. Fern and other NGOs believe ...
ENB @ IFF-4 (New York, Jan-Feb'00)
North and South. 11:30 am: Delegates waiting in the halls for the meeting of the Contact Group on Category III (future internatinal arrangements and mechanisms) Kimo ... managing to serve a common goal. He thanked the IFF and CSD Secretariats, international organizations, NGOs, and indigenous peoples for their contributions and gaveled IFF-4 to a close at 6:50 am ...
SD: CRCI Initiative, final meeting (Dec'99)
... arrangements and mechanisms, and, in particular, to identify possible elements of and work toward a consensus on the usefulness of having international arrangements and mechanisms ...
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Sustainable Development
NRCan’s Role Internationally | Trade and Sustainable Development | Partners and Stakeholders | Initiatives and Opportunities | International Links | Brochure | Initiatives and Opportunities Policy Development Initiatives Costa Rica ... process to identify possible elements and work toward a consensus on the usefulness of having international arrangements and mechanisms, for example, a legally binding ...
Start locally
Developing countries will not be able to reduce greenhouse gases unless their institutions also reach a reasonable level of development and ... and institutional arrangements for managing local environmental issues effectively. It is only once experience, success and full understanding have been achieved with using such arrangements ...
WELL - Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health
There is also a clear need to provide information for consumers particularly about proposed roles and responsibilities. Lack of understanding and ...
Laws and Policies of the Great Lakes Region
Canada and the United States. Indian Treaties Industry Canada's SchoolNet Digital Collections Thirteen documents representing various types of arrangements between Aboriginal Peoples and representatives of ...
IELRC.ORG - The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Treaty: These include the exchange of information, access to and transfer of technology, capacity building, and the sharing of the ...
Programmes and Projects
PEMSEA Website
National Policies and Reforms for Sustainable Coastal and Ocean Governance: national policy reforms, institutional arrangements and programs covering sustainable coastal and ocean development mainstreamed into social and ...
History, regulations and amendments of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
Schedule 2 of the Act makes amendments to the EPBC Act that provide for certain consultation mechanisms ... Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975; World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 1983 and the Whale Protection Act 1980. The Act also puts in place savings and transitional arrangements and makes consequential ...
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