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Protected areas review > Vietnam > Second national round table
Vietnam Field Study which demonstrates important links between protected areas and development for the selected key study site. Purpose of the meeting The main purpose of the ... , the more difficult it will be to get them to pay up for the benefits they receive. In situations, for example, where rural communities conserve watersheds so that urban centres downstream are supplied ...
Protected areas review > Thailand >
For example, maintaining forest cover is key to conserving national water and soil resources fundamental assets for agricultural and industrial production. Conserving pristine habitats has direct economic implications for ... areas PAs support agriculture in various important ways; for example, in providing reliable water resources, in maintaining genetic resources and in providing habitat for ...
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Pest Control for a Healthy Home
Help eliminate the areas that mosquitos need to breed by emptying, removing, or covering any receptacle that can hold water. An example of this is those outdoor ceramic pots ... I'm out gardening, for example, along with gardening gloves, thick socks and sneakers, instead of using any product to repel mosquitoes. Dietary treatments This may not work for everybody, but when I ...
Global Urbanization and Protected Areas
Australia, Brazil, Kenya, and South Africa, but they have related more to management of urban protected areas, rather than the ... , protected areas can be buffer zones for other types of protected areas, for example, those managed for sustainable use of natural ecosystems (IUCN Category VI) can serve as buffer zones for areas managed for ecosystem ...
LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy - Ali Notizie June 1998
For example, the Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula) is widespread and stable in Europe but in Italy it ... have to depend on natural habitat that has been reduced and completely isolated from similar areas (for example, a small wood in the middle of cultivated fields) are experiencing a true island-effect ...
John Hutton plans faster compensation for more Mesothelioma sufferers
Currently only people who receive Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit are eligible for state compensation under the Pneumoconiosis etc. ( Workers’ Compensation ) Act 1979. The proposals ... areas tend to be those containing, or near to, industrial sites where asbestos was used extensively in the past - shipyards, asbestos manufacturing factories and railway engineering works for example ( ...
Heritage Forests Campaign: Threats to Our Roadless Areas - Energy Extraction
For example, oil drilling requires a lubricant, called "mud", that allows the ... that drilling production in some roadless areas may lead to increased haze. The Bureau of Land Management, in a supplemental air quality study for the Jonah Infill Drilling Project, said " ...
Foreign Affairs - Two Cheers for Expensive Oil - Leonardo Maugeri
Leonardo Maugeri is Group Senior Vice President for Corporate Strategies and Planning for the Italian energy company ENI and the author ... oil prices (or lower extraction costs) come into play. Consider, for example, that only 35 percent of the oil contained in known ... that can be extracted from Canadian tar sands. Moreover, huge areas of the planet have yet to be thoroughly explored. In ...
WWF - Problems with current protected areas
For example, only 0.6% of the world's marine areas are currently protected. Freshwater habitats are also poorly represented. ⢠Lack of connectivity between protected areas ... areas around the world. This forest elephant was killed for its tusks in Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Central African Replublic (CAR). © WWF-Canon / Martin HARVEY WWF's work on protected areas Protected Areas for ...
Payments for Ecosystem Services Why Precision and Targeting Matter
Second, they ranked sites in the drainage areas of these water sources based on their potential for providing watershed services and their vulnerability to reductions of ... are based upon the estimated opportunity cost (for example, forgone profit from coffee). For a shift among management practices within a land-use category, for example from shade coffee to organic coffee, ...
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