arctic refuge

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Don't drill in the Arctic Refuge, Tony Cobb
Arctic Refuge, Tony Cobb Your browser does not support script Opinions: Published Letters to the Editor Search Return to Letters Index Don't drill in the Arctic Refuge By REP America ... is destructive. We do not need oil spills, gas flaring and toxic waste in the Arctic Refuge.

Arctic Refuge Myths
Arctic Refuge would not occur in one location, as implied by the map. 2) What Does The Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain Look Like? Pictures from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge have regularly ... development in the Arctic Refuge are difficult to predict precisely, long term studies by caribou biologists suggest the impacts would be significant and much different in the Arctic Refuge than in ...

Drilling Arctic Refuge Doesn't Solve Energy Problem, Jim DiPeso
Arctic Refuge Doesn't Solve Energy Problem, Jim DiPeso Your browser does not support script Opinions: Speeches Search Return to Speeches Index Drilling Arctic Refuge Doesn't Solve Energy Problem by REP Policy ... no room for the unexpected. Drilling for oil in the Arctic Refuge does not solve that problem. In a global market, the Arctic Refuge is too small to make a difference. Hence, the projected ...

National Wildlife Refuge Funding Crisis - Defenders of Wildlife
A CARE coalition report documenting the serious funding shortfalls facing the Refuge System and recommends future funding to enable the Refuge System to accomplish its wildlife conservation mission. Shortchanging America's ... (8/1/2008) Defenders recommends eye exam after Rep. Boehner claims "No wildlife in the Arctic refuge" (7/15/2008) House pulls for more funds for refuges (6/11/2008) Defenders ...

Global Warming & Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Report Status
Warming & Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Report Status link directory and also visit the Endangered Species & Species in Trouble link directory for more web sites. Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain, ... and Implications of Dangerous Climate Change in the Arctic MEDIUM: Report AUTHOR: World Wildlife Fund FORMAT: PDF Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Photographed by Steve Chase, Courtesy USFWS. Donate $ ...

Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) - National Geographic Adventure Magazine
Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. By Daniel Engber Posted December 21, 2005 Photo Gallery: Visit the refuge with Adventure photographer James Balog >> Special Report: First ... Society in Alaska, called the vote "a tremendous victory for those working to protect the Arctic refuge" and "a turning point" in the drilling debate, which has simmered for the past five ...

National Geographic Adventure on the Arctic Wildlife Refuge
Arctic Wildlife Refuge Adventure Main | E-Mail the Editors | Adventure Customer Service | Subscribe November/December 2001 Writer/photographer James Balog PHOTO GALLERY >> Life on Assignment The War Over Alaska' s Arctic Refuge Never mind the oil—adventure could be the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge's greatest resource, as writer-photographer ... More from this site

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Refuge. Read the San Francisco Chronicle three-part series on Arctic Oil (August 29-31, 2005) Check out Oil on Ice, a documentary film project on the Arctic Refuge and the native people trying to prevent oil drilling there. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge | Badger ...

First-Year Reading Experience - 2006 -- Alaska and Arctic Resources | Mansfield Library | The University of Montana-Missoula
RESOURCES COMMUNITIES Alaska and Arctic Resources "Arctic Institute of North America." University of Calgary. May 2006. University of Calgary.>. "Arctic Studies Center, National ... . Untamed Alaska. Charlottesville, Va: Thomasson-Grant, 1987. Lentfer, Hank, and Carolyn Servid. Arctic Refuge : A Circle of Testimony. 1st ed. Minneapolis, Minn: Milkweed Editions, 2001. See ...

Saving America's Arctic: Dispelling Myths about Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - PennEnvironment
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. These arguments simply do not stand up to the facts. • Drilling Myth: Drilling in the Arctic Refuge will lower gasoline prices and make America less dependent on foreign oil. Turning the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge into a sprawling industrial complex ...

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