arctic environment

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Results 1 - 10 from 439 for arctic environment in 0.294 sec.

WWF - Arctic environment and conservation
Arctic Bulletin, our quarterly publication? get contact details for the Arctic team and other WWF offices working in the Arctic? learn more about threats to the Arctic environment and our solutions? view a site map for the WWF International Arctic Programme' ...

Science and the Environment Bulletin: The Arctic: Clean or Contaminated
Science and the Environment Bulletin: The Arctic: Clean or Contaminated The Arctic: Clean or Contaminated White snow as far as the eye can see, clean cold water, ... organic pollutants in Arctic air, seawater, sediments, and terrestrial, freshwater and marine biota, and gave governments of the eight Arctic countries a clearer picture of the state of the Arctic environment. It also identified ...

One World Journeys Member Submission: Earthwatch in the Arctic
Earthwatch in the Arctic Home / Learning Our World / Member Stories (41) / Other (6) / Student (1) / Arctic (1) / Environments: Polar Regions (1) Earthwatch in the Arctic Volunteering to Study Climate ... I chose Earthwatch's "Climate Change at the Arctic's Edge" research project based in Churchill, Manitoba, to experience the Arctic environment and ecosystem, learn about global warming and its ...

Arctic Studies Center - Alaska Office - New Dynamics of Cultural Research and Representation in Alaska
Arctic Social Sciences: Opportunities in Arctic Research, ARCUS 1999). Federal agencies that conduct social science research ... be highlighted in the present context. For example, human interactions with the changing arctic environment are an important focus of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural study. With NSF support ...

Arctic Studies Center
Lawrence Gateways The Search for a Past Vikings Looking Both Ways Arctic Wildlife Crossroads/Continents Yup'ik Masks Alutiiq Dance Arctic Social Sciences Repatriation Yamal Ainu Get Plug-ins Help Printing Credits ... of a complex spiritual life which honored the beings that made life possible in the Arctic environment. The masks were used for many ceremonial purposes; they were said to have made the ... More from this site

UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - Vital Arctic Graphics
Graphics The Environment Times Vital Graphics Vital Arctic Graphics Next > Vital Arctic Graphics The fate of the Arctic environment deserves global consideration. The Arctic is the ... Arctic environment. Living as herders, hunters and gatherers, Arctic indigenous peoples have developed lifestyles that are inextricably linked to their surroundings. These peoples have lived sustainably in the Arctic ...

Saving America's Arctic: Dispelling Myths about Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - PennEnvironment
Arctic environment. In 2004 alone, 554 spills were reported on the North Slope, or one spill ... activities, which have had significant impacts on the Arctic environment to the west of the coastal plain. Oil field development in America’s Arctic includes a vast network of seismic exploration trails, ...

Arctic Thaw
Search Science Impacts Extreme Weather Water Impacts Forest Impacts Imperilled Ecosystems Global Meltdown Arctic Thaw Collapsing Ice Sheets Melting Mountains Health Economic Risks British Columbia Kyoto ... spilling hazardous chemicals into the environment and sometimes threatening human lives. Permafrost will continue to melt slowly over centuries as the arctic warms, retreating closer and closer to ...

Great Lakes Forever: Great Lakes Environment
Chicago, IL 60640 773-496-4020 phone 773-906-1303 fax Intro :: Environment :: Cultural History :: Economy :: Policy :: Fun Facts A Living Treasure The view of the horizon, as ... diversity of Great Lakes wildlife is matched by a plethora of plant species, including seaside, arctic bearberry, jack pine and hickory. The Great Lakes Ecosystem The health of any one these ...

Green Home Building: Environment
Environment Building Components Environment This page relates to the reason for much of what is proposed at to maintain a healthy environment ... he saw as he crossed both the Antarctic and Arctic Circles, trekked above 15,000 feet in the Andes, ... quality and why is the environment so important for building houses? A: (Kelly) The environment is important because this refers ...

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