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The Oceanic Resource Foundation: Underwater Photography / Marine Conservation
NRCS Soil Scientists. Turnagain Arm Coastal Wetlands Turnagain Arm has one of the highest tidal ranges on earth (42 feet). ... trip will include visits to the extensive coastal wetlands along Turnagain Arm, ending with a Portage Glacier Boat trip. Arctic Coastal Plain The immense Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska provides the majority of North America ...
The Oceanic Resource Foundation: Underwater Photography / Marine Conservation
NRCS Soil Scientists. Turnagain Arm Coastal Wetlands Turnagain Arm has one of the highest tidal ranges on earth (42 feet). ... trip will include visits to the extensive coastal wetlands along Turnagain Arm, ending with a Portage Glacier Boat trip. Arctic Coastal Plain The immense Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska provides the majority of North America ...
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Arctic Peregrine Falcon
Arctic peregrines nest on the cliffs and bluffs along the rivers that empty into the Arctic Ocean. The huge colonies of shorebirds that nest on the Arctic coastal plain of Alaska are essential to the survival of arctic peregrines and their chicks. Arctic peregrines spend the ...
Global Warming & Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Report Status
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Report Status link directory and also visit the Endangered Species & Species in Trouble link directory for more web sites. Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain ...
Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) - National Geographic Adventure Magazine
The House voted very early today to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to drilling by adding the measure ... The Senate has upheld oil and gas drilling on ANWR's coastal plain. (Read more >>) Meanwhile, the House has rejected it. (Read more >>) ... the coastal plain every summer to calve. (Watch a video of the migration >>) What's Next? Check back in for updates on Alaska's Arctic ...
National Geographic Adventure on the Arctic Wildlife Refuge
PHOTO GALLERY >> Life on Assignment The War Over Alaska' s Arctic Refuge Never mind the oil—adventure could be the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge's greatest resource, as writer-photographer James ... fuel an ongoing debate among politicians, conservationists, and environmentalists. Within ANWR is a slice of coastal plain the size of Ireland (1.5 million acres/607,030 hectares), called 1002 (ten-oh ...
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Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Threat Changes in the presidency, increased militarization -- and now the damage caused to Gulf Coast oil refineries by Hurricane Katrina -- leave the Arctic Refuge more vulnerable ... the Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Bill (H.R. 39), a bill introduced in January 2007 and co-sponsored by 115 Representatives, which would designate ANWR's coastal plain as a Wilderness ...
Arctic Refuge Myths
Arctic Refuge. Well-concealed Pectoral Sandpiper nesting on the coastal plain, and an American Golden-Plover on the coastal plain. It is easy to appreciate why you ... herd of caribou, which has a much larger area of coastal plain where they can relocate for their calving. The coastal plain in the Arctic Refuge is much narrower, and there is no place for ...
Saving America's Arctic: Dispelling Myths about Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - PennEnvironment
Feed Saving America's Arctic: Dispelling Myths about Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 9/27/2005 SavingAmericasArctic.pdf Executive Summary The coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is ... which have had significant impacts on the Arctic environment to the west of the coastal plain. Oil field development in America’s Arctic includes a vast network of seismic exploration ...
REP supports protecting the Arctic National Wildife Refuge, Jim DiPeso
Washington. We strongly oppose drilling the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. We support bipartisan legislation that would designate the coastal plain as federally protected wilderness. The bipartisan legislation ... , we believe that conservation of the Arctic refuge is the conservative thing to do. Regardless of how much oil lies beneath the coastal plain, oil production in the refuge ...
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