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Living On Earth: Week of September 21, 2001
Arab world. And that, this, in turn, drives up the price ... A stretch of highway south of Beirut was being shelled by Israeli gunboats. Nevertheless, a line of Lebanese motorists insisted on running ... , shortstop. [MUSIC UP AND UNDER] CURWOOD: Correspondent Clay Scott covered the wars in Lebanon and in Bosnia for Monitor Radio. [MUSIC] Silent ...
Earth Trustee agenda for eliminating the conflict and wars that have plagued history. In the past nations have fought over ... tend to lessen the danger and the fears of Israeli expansionism and of both Arab and Israeli revenge, for this new doctrine of property ... in providing an equal Planetary Inheritance for each Jew and Arab (and other citizens). This will inspire new moral and meaningful ...
Political Consequences of a War and Occupation of Iraq - Security Council - Global
Policy Forum
US to acknowledge that key issues in the Middle East – Iraq, Iran, terrorism and the Arab-Israeli conflict are all connected. Despite recommendations that the US cooperate with Iran and Syria to ... the “success” of military “humanitarian” interventions in Kosovo and Sierra Leone, the spectrum of the wars in Afghanistan and especially Iraq has tarnished the reputation of British foreign policy, as ...
National Geographic: Iraq and Middle East Maps, News, More
New and independent Arab states—Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan—emerged from these struggles and have occasionally ... determined to create a homeland. When Israel declared independence, five Arab nations attacked the Jewish state—the first of six Arab-Israeli wars. In Our Store: New Middle East Wall Map This ...
Adventure Magazine: March/April 2000 @
Posted to Sudan between the world wars, Wingate hunted lions and water buffalo and tried, and failed, to ... to defend themselves. The Jewish settlers there were especially susceptible to Arab night raids, and Wingate helped them to form units that ... many others; indeed he trained the core of what became the Israeli Army. He was fearless and zealous and didn't care what ...
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Brief History of Israel and the Jewish People
British forces left Israel (May 14, 1948). Arab-Israeli wars A day after the declaration of independence of the State of Israel, armies of five Arab countries, Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and ... of the influence of Judaism on World culture in a historical perspective. Arab-Israeli conflict Historical Maps and Atlases Israel Wars and Maps Jewish People Time-Line for the History of Judaism ...
Arab-Israeli conflict - Basic facts
Arab-Israeli wars What is Palestine and Palestinians? Jerusalem Arab and Jewish Refugees U.N. Record on Israel and the Arabs Oslo agreements and the "Peace Process" Role of Religion in the Arab-Israeli ... Figures in the table were compiled from The World Fact Book. ^ Contents Arab-Israeli wars The Arab nations initiated four wars against Israel: 1948 War of Independence 1956 Sinai War 1967 Six Day ...
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Terrorism is as Terrorism Does
Afghans will survive the attacks in their country and the Israeli's will survive the attacks in Israel - they will survive with ... perceived enemies like a Goliath in the guise of a David. Arab culture is feeling sorry for itself and is rushing about looking ... by inventing new plagues. We will fight violence by initiating new wars and crusades. We will fight famine by starving the many to feed ...
It is not about terror, it is about oil
Veterans of Foreign Wars. This way of thinking is dismissed by more moderate ... , indeed, its staunchest proponents are ardent supporters of the Israeli right-wing (mr. Netanyahu is a notable example). Administration officials, ... a democratic Iraq would unleash similar change elsewhere in the Arab world - an argument resonant among Bush administration officials who ...
Palestinians and Israelis, the United States, ... them as permanent Israeli territory, and cementing the annexation of the Palestinian land upon which the settlers now live. Millions of other Palestinians live as refugees in other Arab countries (as ...