apparent cohesion

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Results 1 - 7 from 7 for apparent cohesion in 0.198 sec.

Hoofmark - Grass Reinforcement, Stormwater Containment and Filtration Systems.
Hoofmark (UK) Ltd Neoweb increases the strength of fill material by providing apparent cohesion, in granular soil, through confining the material within its webbing. Hoofmark (UK) Ltd ... System Hoofmark (UK) Ltd Neoweb system is a structural fill using granular material with apparent cohesion provided by the confining cells. Load deformation of the granular material is reduced ...

Bicycle Fixation: Learning from Kitiganik
Like a plant rooted in the fertile soil of the community's cohesion and spirit, a network of roads cut into the forest grows from its base in ... and wilderness living that the suburb may somehow satisfy, the suburban home may have some apparent advantages, such as more interior and exterior space at lower cost than most of what ...

Whaling in the North Atlantic
IWC. Such a situation will need careful consideration and management. Matching with criteria The reservations apparent in the IWC over any additional aboriginal subsistence whaling can be related to the ... from these catches is claimed to play an important role in the cultural and social cohesion of the communities (Institute of Cetacean Research, 1996). Norway has also presented evidence that ...

Living Routes | Weblog for Senegal: Sustainable Development at EcoYoff - January 2005
Our many hours en route established our strength and cohesion as a micro-community. Crossing the river to L’île de la Carabane brought ... vast river. As all twenty-five of us embarked on this small island, it became apparent that our arrival was not fully expected. In fact, the island has no electricity or ...

Online Zoologists: Marine Mammal Jargon
Many species of cetaceans have apparent long-term associations as a group. Research is ongoing as to the extent of pod cohesion over time. Pup The newborn or infant ...

STW - Pilot Whales
Group cohesion is particularly strong and this has enabled humans to more easily kill them. Long-Finned ... . Entire groups of pilot whales have been seen at the surface apparently resting with no apparent motion. They will sometimes hang in the water vertically with their heads and forepart of ...

One Kenya, One Voice: a bit of progress & some hope... | ATE
Through the discussion, it became apparent that there is no viable way, either by re-count, re-tally or any ... following reforms should commence urgently in concert with reforms of Agenda Item 3. Consolidating national cohesion and unity; Land reform; Tackling poverty and inequity, as well as combating regional development ...