antibiotic resistance genes

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Results 1 - 10 from 31 for antibiotic resistance genes in 0.254 sec.

Friends of the Earth: Briefing: Antibiotic Resistance Genes in GM Foods
Antibiotic Resistance Genes in GM Foods Introduction Many genetically modified (GM) plants contain antibiotic resistance marker genes. This briefing shows how these genes might spread, threatening the effectiveness of some of our most important antibiotic drugs. Antibiotic resistance genes ...

What is Genetic Engineering? - An elementary introduction for the layman
See e.g.: Antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial resistance to antibiotics [ML] The fate of food genes and the DNA CpG motif and its impact by Professor Joe ... of genetic engineering is that you can "tailor" organisms by adding genes with desirable properties. But science has found that genes don't work as isolated carriers of properties. Instead the ...

Therefore, attached to the foreign gene is another gene, an “antibiotic resistance marker gene.” If cells from the organism are grown in a dish containing that antibiotic ... were not produced before. Antibiotic resistance genes may transfer into intestinal bacteria or other organisms and contribute to our growing public health problem of antibiotic-resistant organisms. Diseases ...

Friends of the Earth: Campaigns: Real Food: Resource: General Readers
Antibiotic Resistance Genes in GM Foods April 1999 Many genetically modified (GM) plants contain antibiotic resistance marker genes. This briefing shows how these genes might spread, threatening the effectiveness of some of our most important antibiotic drugs ...

The Center for Food Safety - CFS Sues FDA to Regulate Genetically Engineered GloFish
Federal permit to do so. The bright red fish was created by adding genes from a coral species to the genome of the common black andwhite zebra danio. Recent ... that the GloFish was engineered to contain animal and human viruses and as well as antibiotic resistance genes, all of which can pose human and animal health hazards. "Allowing the unregulated sale of ...

GeneWatch UK - Food Safety - An overview of the food safety concerns surrounding GM foods
The new GM characteristic may cause allergies. If antibiotic resistance genes are used, they may increase problems with drug resistant diseases. The GM process ... to screen GM foods for 'surprise' effects are still in the development stage. Antibiotic resistance - Antibiotic resistance genes are used as 'markers' in GM crops to indicate whether the genetic modification ...

FAQ on Genetic Engineering
Horizontal transfer of transgenic DNA could create new disease-causing viruses and bacteria, spread antibiotic resistance genes to the pathogens to make the diseases untreatable. Insertion of foreign DNA into ...

GM Cotton Fails in Indonesia
Monsanto’s GM cotton given by UK Government scientists. They warned of antibiotic resistance genes that would make gonorrhoea untreatable (see "Monsanto’s GM Cottons & Gonorrhoea", ISIS Press Release www ... More from this site

NEHA JEH Position on Antibiotic Feed and Human Health
Antibiotic Feed and Human Health National Environmental Health Association Position on Antibiotic Feed and Human Health Adopted June 18, 2000 PURPOSE:      Scientific studies ... problem of antibiotic-resistance among foodborne and other pathogens, and WHEREAS:     these antibiotic-resistant bacteria can transfer their resistance genes to disease-causing bacteria, resulting in antibiotic-resistant ...

Bt protein is distributed uniformly throughout the plant. The uniform presence of the Bt protein enhances the likelihood of resistance ... antibiotic resistance markers unnecessary. There is no justification for the expression of Bt in the pollen, and the release of cultivars with a single Bt gene is certain to hasten resistance ...

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