animals that hibernate

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Results 1 - 10 from 78 for animals that hibernate in 0.474 sec.

EEK! - Snug in the Snow - Hibernation Story
They try to put on as much fat as possible because they won't be eating much during the winter. Animals that hibernate also ... between winter snows. Can you think of any other animals that hibernate? How about our cold-blooded friends--snakes, turtles, and frogs. Since cold-blooded animals can't warm themselves up, they need to ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
However, a subgroup within the pitcher plant mosquito population has slightly different genes that cause them to develop and reproduce late in the ... season in which the animal can grow, develop and reproduce," says Bradshaw. "As a result, animals that reproduce later in the summer season have a greater opportunity to leave their genes in ...

Greentimes - Guest Articles
Mercury poisoning in raccoons and other animals that panthers eat causes them to become sick and die. ... that panthers run up to 35 miles per hour, but for only a few yards. Another quality is that panthers live up to 12 to 15 years. Panthers are delicate animals that ... squirrels gather nuts to store. Southern flying squirrels don't hibernate, but may stay in the nest for several days ...

Tundra: The Arctic Land By Bruce Hiscock, 1986. Learn about life in the Arctic. Through words and drawings, discover the people, the plants and the animals that ...

Tundra: The Arctic Land By Bruce Hiscock, 1986. Learn about life in the Arctic. Through words and drawings, discover the people, the plants and the animals that ...

Barnes Nature Center Field Trips
They will also learn how these organisms have become uniquely adapted to conditions that range from total submergence to occasional ... ) How animals survive the Winter is the focus of this program. Find out why some animals hibernate, while others migrate and others go on with life as usual. Mounted and live animals will help ...

Animal Welfare - Aquatic Animals
Over 370 ... and old line thoughtfully. Freshwater Animals Platypus The Platypus is a semi-aquatic 'monotreme' that can be found in freshwater ... surface to breath. In the cooler months freshwater turtles hibernate, settling in the mud on the river bottom or ...

Recent research has shown that some turtles can even hibernate in the sea for several months! However, a stressed turtle, for instance entangled ... and rope, which they mistake as food items. 29. Which animals prey on eggs and hatchlings on nesting beaches? The animals that prey on hatchlings in the Mediterranean depend on the location but ...

Alligators, Crocodiles, Gavial, and Caymens (Caimans), Stock photos, pictures, Animals: Reptiles; Herpetiles, by Wernher Krutein and Photovault; Photographs
We recommend having a sense of awe, wonder, and reverence, for these fascinating animals in such a way that we respect and honor their existence. ... escape from danger and in which they hibernate during the cold weather. What is a Reptile? Reptiles are an animal class of air breathing vertebrates that have scaley bodies and internal fertilization ...

Caiman (Caiman Crocodilus) Paleosuchus, Photographs, Images, Images, Pictures, photos, fine art photography, Scientific name, Animals: Reptiles; by Wernher Krutein and Photovault;
We recommend having a sense of awe, wonder, and reverence, for these fascinating animals in such a way that we respect and honor their existence. ... and rivers. They dig burrows in which they escape from danger and in which they hibernate during the cold weather. The Mississippi, or American, alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), the larger of ... More from this site

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