Results 1 - 10 from 73 for ammonia and nitrate in 0.266 sec.
References - Buying and Keeping a Better Fish!
Ammonia and Nitrite daily, and plotting them on a graph, until they start to fall, or better still, disappear entirely. These fish are very hardy, and will usually resist any ... disease, and that the levels of Ammonia and Nitrate have now fallen to at or near zero, you may introduce them to your main Aquarium, and at the same time take the sponge filter and squeeze ...
BIOMINET Proceedings : Mining Effluent Technologies
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans (A.E. Thorma) Biotechnological considerations for designing metal-recovery operations (D.S. Holmes) Ferrous ion oxidation, nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction), and nitrate ... (M. Kalin et. al.) Periphyton growth and zinc sequestration (M. Kalin et. al.) Removal of ammonia and nitrate from mine effluents by sequential nitrification / ...
Hydroxyl Systems Inc. - Resources / Contaminant Glossary
Ammonia and Nitrate Suspended Solids Chlorinated Solvents BTEX Chlorinated Aromatics Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Energetic Compounds and Nitro-Organics Cyanides and Nitriles Ketones Ethers and Oxygenates Phenols and Aldehydes Alcohols Acetates and Formates Glycols Pharmaceutical Residuals Pesticides and ...
Nitrous oxide sources - Tropical Soils
Nitrification in soils is carried out by aerobic, ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) which produce nitrate from ammonium in the soil, but ... escapes to the atmosphere. Soil conditions, such as water content, temperature and the availability of ammonium and nitrate are key determinants of how much nitrous oxide a particular soil ...
Nitrous oxide sources - Livestock and Feed
Additionally, nitrous oxide is indirectly produced via the volatilization and atmospheric oxidation or deposition of nitrogenous compounds, such as ammonia and ...
More from this site
Microbial Technologies - Treatment of polluted soils and sediments
We have experience ... and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) non-synthetic organics: acetone, methylethylketone (MEK), polyethylene glycol, naphthenic acids, and resin acids synthetics: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pentachlorophenol (PCP), and tri/tetrachloroethylene inorganics: ammonia, cyanide, nitrate, thiocyanate, and ...
Water Quality: Nutrients and Pesticides
Ammonia is converted to nitrate ...
Suburban Water Testing Labs:Nitrate Fact Sheet
Primary sources of organic nitrates include human sewage and ... the nitrate level due to sulfate exchange. We recommend that persons shopping for nitrate removal systems shop carefully and purchase only from a dealer experienced in nitrate removal. Home | ...
Ammonia,hydrogen sulfide odors?Which odor control method?Air
Ammonia and other nitrogen-based compounds not effectively treated; will not eliminate source of odor Based upon a 20-year life-cycle and 5 ... compounds Bioxide (nitrate solution) Treats sulfide and non-sulfide sulfur compounds; biochemically oxidizes sulfides and other odorous reduced-sulfur compounds; non-hazardous; relatively easy to use and store Does not ...
Roux Associates, Inc - Environmental Consulting and Management
BTEX, and glycols. - Anaerobic mechanisms work on metal constituents, halogenated volatile organic compounds (e.g., TCE, PCE), PCBs, and nitrate denitrification. The sun serves as the energy source to drive and ...
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