american shorthair

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Cat Breed Clubs
Z Abyssinian American Bobtail American Curl American Shorthair American Wirehair Angora Asian Balinese Bengal Birman Bombay Brazilian Shorthair British Shorthair Burmese Burmilla California Spangled Chartreux Colorpoint Shorthair Cornish Rex Cymric Devon Rex Egyptian Mau European Shorthair Exotic Shorthair German Rex ...

Cat Breeds, Types, Variants and Hybrids
Obtained from Somali x Black Domestic Shorthair. Blonde Havana Alternative Name Foreign Cinnamon Shorthair (Holland) Blynx Experimental Highland Lynx x The American Bobtail cross. However, "blynx" ... Shorthair) Current Originated from Burmese x American Shorthair crossings. A jet-black cat of Burmese type with bright copper "newpenny" eyes. The American Bombay is cobbier in type like the American ...

Cat Breeds, Types, Variants and Hybrids
Burmese Alternative or Archaic Name American term describing breed now known in US as European Burmese. American Burmese are cobbier like American Shorthair; European Burmese are more foreign in type (like Siamese/Orientals). In Canada, Foreign Burmese means red and tortie series Burmese. Foreign Shorthair ... More from this site

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