amazonian manatees

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Sirenians of the World
Antillean manatees can be found in salt, fresh or brackish waters and feed on marine, estuarine, and freshwater vegetation. Amazonian Manatee Trichechus inunguis Amazonian manatees are found in the waters of the Amazon River and its tributaries in South America. The smallest member of the family Trichechidae, the Amazonian ...

ACT for Kids: Teacher’s Guide
Gentle giants, the Amazonian manatees, graze on underwater plants and communicate with each other by muzzle-to-muzzle touching and ...

Biodiversity-Amazonian Manatee
Amazonian Manatees have a pink or white underbelly. Amazonian Manatees do not have incisors or canine teeth, only molars designed to crush aquatic vegetation. Unlike other mammals, Amazonian Manatees ..., Amazon Info - Save, preserve and protect Amazon Basin rainforest for free
Quebrada Honda on the Slopes of Cerro Tapichalaca on the eastern (Amazonian) slope of the Andes. The discovery of the Antpitta led to the formation of Fundacion ... to large populations of threatened or endangered fauna including red uakari monkeys, giant river otters, manatees, tapir, primates, the huge air-breathing fish (Arapaima gigas), and giant river turtles (Podcnemis expansa ...

Ecotecture | Book Review | Biomimicry: innovation inspired by nature
The book opens by describing how an Amazonian Indian traveled to Washington, D.C., to beat his bare chest and roar like a ... tolerance, is seeing his shadow on the wall, along with the shadows of rhinos, condors, manatees, lady's slippers, and other species he is taking down with him. Shaken by the ...

HBOI | Press Relations
HARBOR BRANCH Oceanographic Institution • August 21, 2002 - HARBOR BRANCH Scientist Hopes Study Of Virus In Manatees Will Help In The Fight Against Human Cervical Cancer • July 23, 2002 - HARBOR BRANCH Scientists ... Be Placed On Damaged Reef In Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary • March 8, 2002 - Young Amazonian Manatee Returned To Wild • March 4-6, 2002 - Ocean Studies Board To Meet At HARBOR ...

Manatee Brain
Various combinations of anatomy and behavior possibly allowed manatees and dugongs to share the available marine plant foods. Extinct dugongs (Dusierion) (like ... ) is the other West Indian subspecies. West Indian manatees occupy coastal and estuarine waters throughout the Caribbean. The Amazonian manatee (Trichechus ininguis) lives entirely in the Amazon river ...

Manatee Brain
Dietz, T. 1992. The Call of the Siren. Manatees and Dugongs. Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, Colorado. Domning, D.P. 1978. The myology of the Amazonian Manatee, Trichechus inunguis (Natterer) (Mammalia: Sirenia). Acta Amazonica ... , Behav. Evol. 34 (6) 365-386. Reynolds, J.E. III, and Odell, D.K. 1991. Manatees and Dugongs. Facts on File. Riley, H.A. 1928. The ammalian cerebellum. A comparative study ... More from this site

Marine Mammal Commission: Simple Global Species List
Global Species List Whales and Dolphins (Cetaceans) Seals and Sea Lions (Pinnipeds) Manatees, Dugongs, and Sea Cow (Sirenia) Otters (Mustelidae) Polar Bear (Ursidae) Whales and Dolphins ... Walrus Odobenus rosmarus Weddell seal Leptonychotes weddellii (top) Manatees, Dugongs, and Sea Cow (Sirenia) Common Name Scientific Name Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis Dugong Dugong dugon Steller's sea ...

Manatee Links: Manatees and Dugongs
Endangered Species: Amazonian manatee Dugong West African manatee West Indian manatee Kids Only: Manatees and Dugongs The Caribbean Environment Programme, United Nations Environment Programme Manatees in South Carolina ... and obtain a wildlife fact sheet for manatees. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Endangered Species Site Satellite tracking manatees You Can Help! Create a Manatee Link ...

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