Results 1 - 10 from 60 for alpine glaciers in 0.293 sec.
Science and the Environment Bulletin: Climate Change Collection
Glaciers and Climate Change The Canadian Rocky Mountains attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Most are tourists, drawn by the spectacular beauty of alpine glaciers and icefields... Effects ...
IPCC - The Third Assessment Report - Working Group I
Snow extent has decreased by about 10% since the 1960's, while mountain glaciers have retreated rapidly and Northern Hemisphere sea ice cover has substantially declined in recent decades ... likely to increase, and droughts and floods will become more common in many regions. Many alpine glaciers will disappear, snow cover and sea ice extent will continue to wither, and sea level ...
David Suzuki Foundation: Climate Change: Science: Collapsing Ice Sheets
Sensitive sheets Marine-based ice sheets are particularly sensitive to ... rapid Climate change is almost certain to bring a gradual rise in sea level as alpine glaciers melt, and as oceans warm and expand. However, beyond these relatively predictable processes lies ...
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Climate Change
The RETREAT of the Himalayan-Hindu Kush glaciers is one of the major environmental problems facing Asia. These glaciers feed major river systems including the Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra, ... possibly causing more frequent floods. But in the long term, with a widespread retreat of Alpine glaciers, some regions in Europe may face a decrease in freshwater supply. RWAs fight battle ...
Press Release 09/11/00
Soaring temperatures could make southern European beaches too hot for tourists. In the north, alpine glaciers will retreat and could disappear by the end of the 21st century. Salmon and sturgeon ...
IMPACT Press: Article: "From Earth Day to Ecological Society" -- April-May '04
Polar Regions, Greenland, and mountain and alpine glaciers, destroying habitat for Arctic animals and creating millions of environmental refugees through rising sea levels ...
What Can Planners Do?
Our threatened shorelines, sinking islands, drought-hit farms, undermined species, and melting glaciers define the erratic climate that creates today's landscape. And as temperatures soar ... , and taxing greenhouse gases) to the surreal (thoughts of wrapping Switzerland's melting Alpine glaciers with insulating foam). Today, the Environmental Defense Fund, finds a surge of activity ...
The Stereoscope
I walk the streets of once buried cities, I look into the chasms of Alpine glaciers, and on the rush of wasteful cataracts. I pass, in a moment, from the banks ...
Climate Change and U.S. Security
But when the climate warms, according to the theory, fresh water from melting Arctic glaciers flows into the North Atlantic, lowering the current's salinity -and its density and ... which release heat-trapping carbon dioxide. Indicators of the warming include shrinking Arctic ice, melting alpine glaciers, and markedly earlier springs at northerly latitudes. A few years ago such changes seemed ...
Sustainable Development - Publications - Consultation Documents - SDS 2006: Discussion Paper for Consultation
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