alaska natives

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Results 1 - 10 from 80 for alaska natives in 0.467 sec.

Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 1994
Wildlife Service, the Marine Mammal Commission, animal protection groups, and the Alaska Native community. The most significant amendments involved establishing a new regime ... Captivity Pinniped-Fishery Interactions Ecosystem Health and Stability Assessments Cooperative Agreements with Alaska Natives Scientific Research Photography Polar Bears IMPLEMENTING THE 1994 AMENDMENTS Deadlines for ...

Nushagak-Mulchatna Wood-Tikchik Land Trust
Native allotments created through the Alaska Native Allotment Act of 1906. Under that act individual Alaska Natives could select up to 160 acres of land. The 1906 ... with the passage of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act in 1980. Now twenty years later, downturns in the commercial salmon industry are forcing many Natives to consider selling their ...

Nushagak-Mulchatna Wood-Tikchik Land Trust
Nushagak-Mulchatna Wood-Tikchik Land Trust. This organization was formed in part by Alaska Natives from this region to provide alternatives to you. If your allotment is within the Togiak ... More from this site

Funding Opportunities for Coastal Managers
Strategies (SEDS) program provides grants to promote social and economic self-sufficiency for American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native American Pacific Islanders through locally developed social and economic development strategies ...

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - Keep Kids Healthy conditions
American Indian and Alaska natives. Other neurodevelopmental effects of alcohol are believed to occur more frequently. What are the economic ...

Office of EEO & Diversity
Program NOAA Fisheries AEP Report Federal Employed Women Info Hispanic American African Americans American Indian & Alaska Natives Asian Pacific American NOAA Alternate Dispute Resolution Program (ADR) Employment Opportunities NOAA Jobs Student Internships ...

Gold Seal - Alaska Salmon: Wild, Sustainable, Pure
Alaska salmon are caught only in specific, tightly regulated areas within state waters up to three nautical miles offshore. They are harvested by fishermen, families, and Alaska Natives, many of whom are owner-operators, meaning they are independent businesses operating their own boats. Every aspect of Alaska’s salmon fisheries is ...

Arctic Studies Center - Alaska Office - New Dynamics of Cultural Research and Representation in Alaska
Cultural Research and Representation in Alaska Aron L. Crowell Presented at the Northern Research Forum, Akureyi, Iceland November 2000 Alaska Natives number more than 90,000 people and ... NSF also provides support for the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative, a statewide effort with the University of Alaska and Alaska Federation of Natives to develop culturally integrated science and mathematics ...

Arctic Studies Center - Staff - Aron Crowell - Director ASC Alaska Office
ASC's Alaska projects along with museums, universities and government agencies. Aron's research specialties include indigenous adaptations to coastal environments, the history of interaction between Alaska Natives and ... Crossroads of Continents: Cultures of Siberia and Alaska and edited the exhibition catalog with William Fitzhugh. His PhD research in Alaska focused on an historical study and ... More from this site

It's salmon vs. gold mining in Alaska vote - Environment -
Bristol Bay loaded with salmon to Peter Pan Seafood, Inc., in Dillingham, Alaska. The Associated Press ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaskans in the primary election will vote on Ballot Measure 4, an ... of Alaska Producers, giving them over $3 million dollars in July. On the other side is Alaskans for Clean Water, Inc., a group that includes commercial and sport fishermen, some Alaska Natives, lodge ...

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