Results 1 - 10 from 32 for airplane emissions in 0.279 sec.
Bring Back the Trains, Fast
US greenhouse gas emissions - 33 percent of which come from motor vehicles. Likewise, increased rail use could shrink the mounting airplane emissions in the upper atmosphere, predicted ... nations, is required to practice "capitalism." That financial demand does not apply to the airplane and highway agencies practicing public service "socialism," overfeeding at the federal trough. The ...
NPC Law Library: Proposed Legislation
This bill also requires a study of EPA air pollution standards for airplane emissions. Ocean Routing Bill (February 1999) This bill directs the Secretary of Transportation to conduct a ...
NPC Online Library: Newsletters-- Flight Tracks, April 1997
But the much greater problem of airplane emissions went unaddressed. The FAA is the only government organization that has jurisdiction over airplane emissions ...
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Climate Change Blog: August 2007 Monthly Archives
U.K. and other over-developed countries, and projected passenger growth of five percent a year means airplane emissions are growing more ... is to move past voluntary approaches and commit to moving the world towards equitable mandatory emissions cuts. Anything else is continued criminally negligent climate obstruction. Posted by Dr. Glen Barry | ...
Earth Would Not Pass the Smog Test!
Los Angeles for instance. If you look out the window of an airplane you can see the haze from smog that covers many regions below. It mainly is ... School of Mines) Public resource for central source of information on testing programs related to emissions on mobile sources. Links to online resources such as alternative energy, clean fuels, clean air ...
CO2 sources - Transport
Technological advances are continuing to cut emissions, but at the same time car, lorry and airplane use is escalating. The issue of greenhouse gas emissions from transport is likely to be one ...
EcoIQ Magazine Spring 2002 Features
With only a sense of touch, after we stepped from the airplane, we would feel the rush of the wind against our faces; we would sense great ... to their shareholder responsibilities. He also formed environmental task forces, set goals ("zero waste, zero emissions"), and launched a series of programs designed to eliminate waste from Coors operations. No waste ...
A chemical with a very dangerous intrinsic property may also contribute negligibly ... rice production, …) can potentially contribute to impact the present greenhouse equilibrium. Similarly, the emissions of industrial chemicals like fluorocarbons which have a greenhouse potential would contribute to ...
Computer screen emissions
What's New? • September Journal • September Newsletter • Granite Countertops ... are several different types of video monitors and they have different emissions and different potential emissions. The only potential emission from any of them that we know ... to turn off such devices when taking off or landing in an airplane. Any of them that operate off the home electrical power emit some ...
Reducing Marine Shipping Emissions
Seattle Times article Tuesday, September 28, 2004. This photo was taken from an airplane by APCD employee Marc Moritsch. Anacapa Island is seen in the background. Marine ... of uncontrolled air pollution. Large ships are responsible for a significant percentage of worldwide emissions of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, sulfur, air toxics, greenhouse gases, and ozone-depleting substances. ...
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