ainu people

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Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People
Ainu Association of Hokkaido) Asahikawa City Museum Hokkaido Archaeological and Cultural Remains Investigation Center Hokkaido Asahikawa Museum of Art Hokkaido Museum of Contemporary Art Otoineppu Village Office, and All the Ainu people ...

Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People
Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People Map Traditional and Modern Ainu Territories Like many other indigenous peoples around the world, the Ainu lost lands, resources, and ... Hokkaido, with a population of between 25,000 and 50,000 Ainu, is the only remaining homeland for Ainu people today. Plain Text Opening | About the Exhibit | Map | Resources | Acknowledgements ... More from this site

KIWC Newsletter October 1998 VOL.7 (4/4)
Finally, a variety of environmental studies have been conducted to ... Nesting of Red-Crowned Cranes in Bamboo Grass Fields Sarorun-kamui (or Sarurun-kamui), an Ainu word for Red-crowned Cranes - "Tancho" - means "the god of wetlands." Red-crowned cranes are ...

Kushiro Marsh, archaeological data such as shell mound remains, and data on the Ainu, Hokkaido's indigenous people. Environmental music can be heard in this museum, and materials are exhibited in ... More from this site

Salmon: Spirit of the Land and Sea
Salmon: Spirit of the Land and Sea Dressed in traditional clothing and marked with an Ainu mouth tattoo, Sute Orita carries the symbolic first fish to begin the salmon ceremony in Sapporo, Japan. Banned from fishing almost a century ago by the Japanese, the Ainu are working to regain rights to the salmon. Heroes of the natural world and stars ...

John Muir & I
Pinchot said, "There are only two things on this material earth--people and natural resources," but he is hated primarily for his ... focus of the bear sacrifice cult as practiced by the Ainu, the aboriginal people of Japan, and probably by their paleolithic predecessors. Just ... feet gratefully in the river. Soon there were over a dozen people camped around the bear box. It made an excellent platform for ...

Foundation History
These projects included working with the Kayapo people of the Lower Amazon, the Ainu of Japan, and with OREWA in Colombia. As well we commissioned reports on a dam research project in Australia, worked with the Hesquiat people ... in both projects and fundraising, and many more excellent people were hired. The new Pacific Salmon Forests Project titles ...

What's New - Global Policy Forum
Recognition for a People Who Faded as Japan Grew (July 3, 2008) Japan officially recognized its Ainu population, located in the country’s northernmost island of Hokkaido, as an “indigenous people.” In the ... the island and the Meiji rulers forced the Ainu to assimilate. According to a 2006 government report, the Ainu - who number about 24,000 people - are less likely to be university educated and ...

Native Planet: Non-profit NGO helping indigenous peoples preserve threatened cultures
Native Planet's documentation of indigenous lifestyles gives traditional people a voice the world can hear. The accounts and photographs of our experiences ... of economic modernization and globalization. Golden Staph Epidemic Among Indigenous Australians? Japan Recognizes Ainu Tribe as Indigenous Read other news... INDIGENOUS CULTURES MEET THE MENTAWAI CONGRATULATIONS, AYAN ! ...

Recognition for a People Who Faded as Japan Grew - Nations & States - Global Policy Forum
Japanese government finally, and unexpectedly, recognized the Ainu as an “indigenous people.” Parliament introduced and quickly passed a resolution stating that the Ainu had a “distinct language, religion and culture ... just under 24,000 people identified themselves as Ainu. Most were of mixed blood and lacked the telltale fair skin or hirsute features that distinguished older Ainu from the Japanese. ...

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