Results 1 - 4 from 4 for agonizing sounds in 0.115 sec.
DayCreek Journal - July 14, 2001
The truck's agonizing sounds started me making agonizing sounds too. I kept my fingers crossed (It's really hard to drive ...
Frogs for Kids - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Research has shown that Ammonium Nitrate (a fertilizer) can cause agonizing death for frogs. This fertilizer is spread on fields in the spring when frogs are ... . Minnesota has 11 species of frogs and 3 species of toads! Here are pictures and sounds of some of the more common species. Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) Green Frog (Rana clamitans) Grey ...
Parks Workers Slaughter Australian Brumbies
This acquaintance of mine also told me that he found bullet holes ... confronting our native fauna" To which I as webmaster must add, Mr. English's report sounds like a bunch of brumby manure to me. WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT THIS? What ...
Uneasy Conscience
Peter Singer's book Animal Liberation). On the surface this moral stand sounds so reasonable. After all extending rights to animals is just ... animals survive. Maybe it's just my interpretation but that sounds like a pretty violent and uncaring world to me. Another ... stems not from a desire to protect animals from a prolonged agonizing death, but from a real desire to end fur trapping. Finally, ...